Tuesday, June 02, 2009

What's In Your Backyard

My blogger friend, Al, over at My Dismal Swamp sent me an email that was so funny that I wanted to share with you today. This took place this past Sunday. He said...

My wife and I were cleaning up our backyard today. Mind you we now live in the middle of town. Our backyard has fence, then there is an overgrown ditch, about 10 feet wide, then another fence and a local convenience store behind us. My wife had cleaned off the fence on our side yesterday. Today we had piled a bunch of stuff on a trailer to haul off to a burn pile out where I work. She found a couple of more small limbs we had missed and decided to just toss them over into the overgrown area behind the house. I was sitting there petting my dog when I heard a loud “OH MY GOD!!!” from my wife. She came slowly waling toward me, then stopped and went back and looked again. “What is it I asked?” We had earlier found a turtle laying eggs in our flowerbed and the thought went through my mind that it was some huge turtle or something back there. Well, it was huge all right. IT was a goat. GOAT, horns and everything. Brown and white with big sad eyes and everything. Fat as it could be. Just laying there. You could see a well worn trail were its been living back there a while. I remember a couple of years ago a neighbor down the street spotted a goat and tried to catch it but it got away from him…I hadn’t thought about it since. From the looks of things its been living back there for quite a while. Wife just went back out to check – it’s still there. I’m gonna leave it be. It hasn’t hurt a thing..and those horns look kinda sharp! Al~

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