Thursday, July 02, 2009

Hot Koalas!

Not long ago I had posted some pictures of Koalas in Australia during a heat wave. Yesterday, some more pictures surfaced and wanted to show them to you.

I have also heard that Koalas are not sociable and don't come out of their trees or down to the suburbs very often. But more interestingly, they don't actually drink water at any time. All the food and water they need is provided from the eucalyptus leaves that they eat. That's why they sleep about 22 hours of each day, because the calories and liquid intake is not enough to keep them awake. However, they consume enormous amounts of leaves during the time they are awake.

During the recent Australian drought, there were few moist leaves available, so the Koalas came to their human neighbors for help. A great example of human-animal cooperation in our great outdoors!

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