Wednesday, September 02, 2009


My friend in Texas sent me photos of this pitbull that was in his backyard in southern California, minding his own business.....until a porcupine invaded his territory. The brave, but stupid Pitbull, immediately challenged the porcupine! Bad decision...the porcupine won this short contest.

A vet sedated the dog, and then removed a total of 1,347 quills. The dog survived, and hopefully learned a valuable lesson. Now, tell me you had a bad day!!


  1. Lord have mercy on that poor dog! I once dequilled a couple of dogs in Central America, but they had enough sense to quit after a dozen quills in their snouts.

    Poor creature... I'm glad he made it.

    Trophy Merriam’s Turkey
    SiegeWorks American Longbow

  2. Years ago I was tring to train aGerman SHort hair pup..a i year old...he was doing good and I was proud of him and myself until he came to a point and I told him to flush and he flushed a porky...took the vet a couple of hours to clean him up...buthe learned and never flushed another one

  3. It honestly hurts me just to look at those pictures. I can't even begin to imagine how the dog felt.

  4. It is good that the dog is improving. I bet given the same situation in the future he will run the other way.

    I agree with Simply Outdoors it hurts to look at the dog.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)