Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Grandmother Bags a Giant Buck

My friend, jdp of Dudleys Diary in TX, sent me this article the other day taken from (TV 12) about this 60 year old grandmother who may have harvested the biggest buck. Below is the story written on November 9th by a staff writer.

GRAYSON COUNTY, TX -- A Texoma grandmother says she bagged her biggest deer in Grayson County this weekend, and it may be one of the biggest ever killed in the area by a woman.

Joyce Ooten, 60, used her bow to shoot this 19-point-buck over the weekend. Ooten shot the big game on her property, the Refuge Road Archery Range. Ooten says she and her husband, Donnie, have had a friendly rivalry for some time over who will kill the bigger deer.

Now, she says she's ahead.

"He'd been telling me if you're going to get that deer, you had better get down there and hunt it. I like to hunt in the afternoon, not much on mornings, and he said you better go down there and get it or I'm going to get him. I beat him to it," Ooten says.

Ooten says she will mount the deer on her wall. We're still waiting to hear back from Texas Parks and Wildlife to see if this kill breaks any records. My congrats to Joyce! What a great harvest!


  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Someday I hoping to be "that" kinda Grandma! What an awesome buck.

    Thanks for sharing this with us Marian. I do so enjoy your blog.

  2. Anonymous3:22 PM


  3. A most hansone fellow, and my money says he breaks the record! Good for her! Excellent post Marian!!! Jack xox


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)