Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Lot of Gobbling!

Brad has been hunting turkeys for 24 years.

I signed us in around 11:00 and we walked down the left side of the top field.  Think of this field as a square box with a levee around the sides.  Going in we walked near the first deer stand where there is an opened field and we sat down near a tree and got a turkey to gobble to the left in the far back right corner.  Then we heard another one to the right of us and it gobbled several times and then did a double gobble.  Brad said that he was excited and then we waited and waited and we never heard another gobble.  So we left the area and headed back towards the camp where we heard the last gobble.  We ended up walking the whole perimenter of the camps top field and stopped three times and each time we would got a gobble and just could not get it to come to us.  On the last one where we stopped and sat by a tree, we heard a hen fussing and purring and Brad was trying to make her mad so she might bring the Rooster to us.  After we sat there awhile she stopped and we decided to head back to camp.  Suddenly, we saw a man walking towards us down a draw with dark blue tee shirt and blue jeans on holding an electronic pad.  We finally met up with him and he said his name was Dusty and worked for Anderson Tully and was checking the timber.  He felt bad that he messed up our hunt but we told him we were headed out anyway.  He had driven his truck past the first deer stand and then we noticed where he had backed up.  The ground was still pretty wet as we walked through the woods and he would have bogged down in it for sure.  Signed out around 3:00 and it was getting pretty hot and I think we had walked approximately 3 miles or more.  I was pooped!  We really had a good time and hopefully will go again in two weeks.  Brad was so nice to give me his old turkey vest that I was wearing so I could carry all my stuff in.  I'm looking forward to next time!  No turkey, but sure was a lot of gobbling going on! 

Me with snake chaps on just in case!
(He got me with my eyes closed)
Brad walking in to hunt.

Woods on the right back corner of field that we walked through because the road was under water from a slough.

Some nice turkey tracks

Brad calling a turkey.

Deer Stand (F4) in far back right corner of field that we passed.

I wrote my name, MARIAN DEER, in dried mud near some deer tracks with my walking stick.

Walking out with a truck parked in the woods near the first deer stand and turkey hunting was over.  :(

Gone Turkey Hunting!

I'm taking a friend turkey hunting today in hopes that he gets a turkey and in return he will help me get one.  Brad is a friend of the family and we have known him for years.  He is an avid turkey hunter.  We are going mid-day to see if we can harvest one.  He has been to my camp, Jasper Bottom, deer hunting but it has been awhile.  He wanted to go during the daylight hours so he can review the layout of the land again.  I already know where they are since I took Sharon for five days straight and saw turkeys/footprints a couple of weeks ago.  I will report back later of our turkey adventure.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Noah The Dove

Someone sent me this sweet story about these little bunnies, who are about 6 days old, that were attacked by a dog and orphaned. Two out of the litter of five did not survive, and these three were not doing very well.

Noah is a non-releasable, one-legged homing pigeon/rock dove that is in the rehab center. Noah kept going over to the bunny cage and looking in -- even sleeping in front of the door to the cage.

Then, suddenly, there were only two bunnies in the cage. But when Noah moved a bit from the front of the cage to everyone's surprise...there was the tiny bunny...under Noah's wing...sound asleep! That little bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggling up with its littermates!

Now, they are all together and the bunnies are doing GREAT. When the bunnies scoot underneath Noah's feathers, he carefully extends his wings out to surround them and then they snuggle. When one of them moves and they start sticking out here and there, he gently pushes them back under him with his beak! It is beautiful and amazing to see...

This is what God does with us when we need the warmth and love He offers. He gathers us under His loving wings to a warm cradle of protection. All we need do in return is give Him the thanks and praise for being with us.

Update on Noah the dove/pigeon:
Noah the Pigeon is owned by Bob and Georganne Lenham of Wild Rose Rescue Ranch in Texas.  Here is a follow-up of this amazing story.  Although the bunnies seem to be their favorite, Noah helps out with many rescue babies at the ranch.

Noah's first litter of bunnies, almost raised and ready for release...

How wonderful it is to have a full-time soft-feathered nurturer at the rescue ranch! He cuddles with all the babies as they snuggle under his warm feathers...and he "coos" as if singing them to sleep with a lullaby.
Noah is truly, truly a God-send.

He will cover you with His feathers
And under His wings you will find refuge.
Psalm 91:4

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Virginia Visit

I have been invited by my youngest daughter, Suzi, and her husband, Dennis, to come to Virginia for a visit, either for my granddaughter, Emma's, 3rd Birthday in July or for Christmas.  It's hard to decide which visit I want.  They have graciously offered to pay my way there and I'll be so happy to see my youngest granddaughter again and visit with them.  Love you so much Emma!  Your Gran Gran!  xo

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Today and Yesteryear

A Civil War cannon and Ameristar Hotel in background.

Ameristar Casino and Lounge looking down from the overlook.

Bridges near the overlook looking at Louisiana.

It was back in May-July, 1863 when we had the American Civil War - Battle of Vicksburg.  I took these pictures yesterday at one of the overlooks and to the right you can see a cannon on a hill and the Ameristar Hotel in the background.  Further down the hill to the left is the MS River and Ameristar Casino Boat where at one time was a battle with Union gunboats.  It is hard  to believe that we had a war here in my hometown.  Horizon Casino Hotel is located on the Yazoo Diversion Canal downtown Vicksburg and Diamond Jacks, Riverwalk and Rainbow Hotel Casinos line the embankments of the MS River at Vicksburg.  What a contrast it is today! 

Friday, March 26, 2010

Snapshots of Jewish Cemetery

This tombstone was leaning forward.

Angel statue was holding real wilted roses.

Yesterday, after Bob and I visited my brother in the hospital, we drove through the Vicksburg National Military Park.  I had my camera with me and decided to pull over and entered the Anshe Chesed Cemetery, which borders west of the Park, to take some pictures of beautiful old weathered tombstones.  On the entrance plaque above, it says this is the second Jewish Cemetery and that the first one has never been determined.  The first burial was that of Meyer Meyer who died on May 16, 1865.  Here are a few snapshots that I took of this well manicured old cemetery.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hide Me Ethyl...

Dave, who lives in Indiana, sent me this trail cam picture yesterday with a cute caption!  (Click on picture to read)

D. Robert (Dave) Quick

I want to Finish Well
I want to end this race
Still leaning on His Amazing Grace

Member: Community Christian Church
Member: Pilots 4 Christ
Member: Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

River Traffic Shots

I-20 on left and old Hwy 80 on right which is closed off for through traffic except for train traffic.

Taken from the Louisiana Circle overlook.

Old Glory!

I took these scenic MS River shots at Vicksburg a couple of weeks ago.  Bob and I enjoy going to the two overlooks and to the Mississippi Visitors Center near the two bridges to watch the river traffic.  Last night we went by one of the overlooks and saw a huge barge rounding the bend and it looked like he was going to run into the embankment trying to turn near Diamond Jacks Casino.  The current was flowing very fast and he stopped and let the river current pull and turn him forward with the load of barges going downstream.  I wish I had had my camera to record it.  As long as I can remember we have never had a barge to hit an enbankment or a casino boat but they have hit the piers going under the bridges.  Usually, when that happens the barges break loose and float down the river and they have to round them all up.  Above are some pictures that I took at the visitors center and at the Louisiana Circle overlook on March 12.  

Monday, March 22, 2010

15-foot Rattlesnake!

This 15-foot Diamondback Rattlesnake was caught recently at the Saint Augustine, Florida Outlet Mall.  It's the biggest ever caught on record.  Check the size of the fangs compared to the pocket knife blade. OMG!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

One Lucky Rabbit

In my post this past Wednesday while turkey hunting, I mentioned about a loud crashing noise behind me of something coming down the hill and thought it was a herd of deer.  I watched from my stand as a coyote was chasing a rabbit.  Well, forgot to tell you that I saw the rabbit Friday, near the area, hopping around from where it all ended with mud and leaves flying everywhere.  The coyote just stood there wondering what happened to the rabbit!  I know now that he intentionally headed that way because his home (rabbit hole) was there and he made a beeline to it to save his life.  That was one lucky rabbit for sure!  Maybe next time he want wander so far from home.  It almost cost him.  

Bailey's Turkey

Bailey McMillian, age 10, killed his first turkey on March 12 while hunting with his dad in Claiborne County.  The turkey weighed 19 pounds and had five beards.  Bailey is the son of Levi and Kenda McMillian and Breck and Delicia Jamison.  My congrats to Bailey on his fine harvest in our great outdoors.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tracks, Tracks & More Tracks

Double click on picture to see all the tracks and snake signs at grand central station!  

A very large turkey track.

Deer + Marian = mariandeer

A perfect wild animal track.

Friday, March 19, 2010

No Bird, But That's OK!

The morning sun shining through the woods!

Sharon coming out from the first hunt of the day drinking her coffee!

Going in for her last turkey hunt!

As we were drivng into camp we could tell by the tracks on the road that we had company.  Also, a light was shining through the forest on Mill Pond's Camp by a hunter going through the woods.  As we pulled up, we saw Sammy and his friend Tad.  Of course, they were going right to the very spot that we had planned to go to.  We had to go back to the left side of the camp.  I got on F6 stand and Sharon walked down towards F1 stand and set up her blind.  At 7:05, I heard the first gobble.  Sharon said she could hear the hunters blowing the owl call.  She tried to call the turkey to her but was not successful and decided to go to it but would not gobble anymore.  All of a sudden I heard two gun shots.  Don't know if they got a bird or not.  (Yesterday morning a turkey was harvested with a 10-inch beard by Richard in the same area where the guys were this morning).  We hunted for another hour and Sharon walked back to my stand and said she was going to walk back to the camphouse and see if the hunters had left, if so, she would come back and wave at me to come on out.  They had left, so we went back over to the right side.  Sharon went by herself and I stayed near where you go up over the levee towards more hunting land and swamp in a corner.  I stayed there for about 30 mins. and decided to go back to the camo ground blind stand on the road to finish hunting.  Unfortunately, we did not see anything and signed out at 1:30.  We really had a great and memorable 5-day hunting experience and the weather was just perfect.  We are tired, but it's a good tired.  She will be hunting most of April in TN and hopefully, if she gets one, I will post it here.  She already has a TN Bird under her belt but we were really trying our best for a good ole MS Bird.  Maybe next time!