Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Snake and Jakes

As Sharon made her way to the levee on the right side of the camp to hunt, I hunted the ground blind stand on the road.  So, from 1:30 to 3:30 we hunted.  It was very windy and I did hear a turkey gobble several times to the left side of the levee and was hoping that Sharon was calling it in.  It finally stopped and then I noticed something moving in the grass in front of my stand.  It was a baby snake but do not know what kind.  If anyone out there knows what it is, please leave me a comment.

At 4:00 we went back over to the left side of the camp where I had seen the two turkeys come out yesterday morning.  While we were walking in and got closer to the first stand we eased around a turn in the road and Sharon saw a turkeys head to the right in the field and said she was going to try to get closer to it.  I stayed back and waited.  Soon I saw two jakes running up the hill and then she motioned for me to come and said that three jakes were coming down the hill to feed and she spooked them and two went back up the hill and the other jake and turkey ran into the woods.  It was exciting to see this just walking in.  So she stayed there to hunt and I went on down to the next stand as shown.  We only hunted for about an hour and came out.  We are planning to leave the house at 5:30 in the morning to get the ground blind set up near the stand and I will get in the stand with my camera.  This could be her MS turkey...


  1. Sounds like ya'll are having a blast. Good luck and keep hunting hard.

  2. I think that snake is called an EARTHWORM.

  3. Matt, we are having a blast and thanks for the good wishes. :)

    Editor - if it crawls like a SNAKE...it's a SNAKE!!!!! ;)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)