Monday, May 31, 2010

Remembering Trey

         8/10/76 ~ 8/12/07
On this Memorial Day we should all take time out to remember all our fallen heroes and servicemen and women in our armed forces.  Charles B. 'Trey' Kitowski, III, is a fallen hero and the son of my Class of 1959 classmate, Theresa Martin Kitowski.  Trey was her only child/son and was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. Trey was living in the Dallas suburb of Farmers Branch but was born in Gulfport, MS. He was assigned to the 345th Psychological Operations Company, 2nd Phychological Operations Group, U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, N.C. He worked in the finance department at Southwest Airlines in Dallas before deploying to Afghanistan. He earned several military awards, including the Marksmanship Qualification Badge and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. He is survived by his parents, Chuck and Theresa Kitowski, of Katy, Texas. The Patriot Guard Riders rode with the family on his last journey to his resting place. Also, killed with Kitowski were Sgt. lst Class Jeffrey D. Kettle, 32 of Madill, OK and Staff Sgt. Jesse G. Clowers, Jr. 27 of Herndon, VA.  May they all rest in peace!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Sam!

I want to extend birthday wishes to a very good friend, Sam Wong, who turns 61 today.  Sam used to teach dance lessons at the Senior Center a few years ago but he and his wife, Grace, are teaching dancing lessons on cruises now.  Wishing him many more happy returns of the day!  Happy Birthday Sam!

Tidus, My Great Grandson

Here are a few pictures that was sent to me of Tidus, my great grandson.  He just celebrated his 3rd birthday on May 25, 2010 in Montana.  He is so far away from home and it is always great to received some pictures of him to see how he has grown.  They can grow up so fast.

 His birthday was held at his Aunt's house.

I like this close up of him. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Torey's Turkey

Torey Daniels, age 12, killed this turkey on March 27 while hunting with her dad in Claiborne County.  The turkey weighed 22 pounds had a 10 1/2 beard and 3/4 inch spurs.  She shot the bird with a 20 gauge shotgun.  Torey is the daughter of Mark and Shannon Daniels.  My congrats to Torey and she is well on her way in becoming a huntress in our great wild outdoors!

Friday, May 28, 2010

A Cat(s) Blogger

I had a lady by the name of "T" to drop by to visit me yesterday and left a comment on our new "Allie Cat."  She is single and lives in New York City and has a blog called, I HAVE CAT, with cats!  I checked out her blog and it is really nice.  For all "cat lovers" bloggers out there, go by and check it out.  She's also on Facebook, Twitter, has free give-a-ways and loads of information that can be very helpful in taking care of our furry friends.
PS:  Check out comments for more cat(s) bloggers cat lovers sites!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Allie Cat

Well, our new member of our family, Allie Cat, has taken over our home.  She is adjusting very well and we have fallen in love with her.  She is so sweet and has real pretty blue eyes.  Her name is really Allie but have added CAT to it and she answers with a big "MEOW."  Katie, our peek-a-poo, has accepted Allie Cat real well.  It's funny to have a cat in the house but don't let a cat roam in our backyard, Katie will have a barking fit!!!

She loves to curl up in Daddy Bob's big recliner.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More Pretty Flowers!

A bloom from my magnolia tree.

Lily plant is loaded with six bloooms.

Pretty pink wild flowers.

An angel face watching over my pretty flowers.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Tidus!

Today is my great grandson's 3rd birthday and I wish I could be with him today to celebrate.  He lives in Great Falls, MT.  This picture was taken sometime last year running in his front yard.  Happy Birthday Tidus - I love and miss you so very much!  Great Gran Gran  :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Backyard Flowers

This ant had to get in the picture!

A few years ago I received a lily for Easter and planted it in a huge pot in our backyard.  We really enjoy watching it bloom.  Here are a few pictures that I took over the weekend of the lily.  Also, when we moved to our "new" home back in April 1991, we brought our two year old magnolia tree and planted it in our backyard.  This year it's full of blooms.  I will post a picture of the magnolia (top picture) as soon as it is in full bloom. The magnolia was officially designated as the State Flower by the 1952 Legislature.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Train vs Tornado ~ Fascinating!

Here is something you do not see too often.  This video came from a fellow who works for the RR as a train dispatcher. 

Every once in a while he sends a cool video involving trains. This is one of them. 

Trains nowadays mount cameras in their cabs, facing forward and backward, the same way police do.

This video is a rear view camera. This is video of a train that ran through a tornado..

First there is the normal rear view from the last of three engines, with the trees looking normal.

Then you begin to see rain, and then, halfway through the video the trees begin to sway violently . . . and then the "fun" begins.  

Click on this: Tornado1.wmv

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dave's Latest Cam Pics

My favorite!

Put on my yellow rubber duckie lifesaver (size 2XX) and my really nifty water-wings, grabbed my ThermaCell (for bugs) and slogged my way into a very wet woods this morning ahead of more storms to gather in one camera. Got a few good shots, including one clueless young buck who has no idea what to do about the raccoon, a VERY pregnant doe, and an evening snack... Hope you enjoy. Dave

D. Robert (Dave) Quick

I want to Finish Well
I want to end this race
Still leaning on His Amazing Grace

Member: Community Christian Church
Member: Pilots 4 Christ
Member: Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mrjbigfoot's Beautiful Roses

Mrjbigfoot's roses have started budding/blooming! He counted 60 buds/blooms on this one bush!

27 buds in this picture!

Mrjbigfoot is not only a good hunter, he also loves to take pictures of flowers.  Above are these beautiful roses he sent to me on CamoSpace and I wanted to share them with you today.  He said, "so many folks don't even take the time to slow down and look at flowers. I think they are amazing and one of the Lord's ways of giving us beauty in the world!"  He is so right and we all need to stop, look and smell the roses on our walk through life.  

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mrjbigfoot's 3rd Turkey

I got some good news yesterday from my friend over at CamoSpace, mrjbigfoot, in harvesting his 3rd turkey - below is what he had to say in his own words and also shared a video and pictures of his hunt. 

Had an awesome hunt! Shot my 3rd gobbler ever yesterday morning and I called him in with a mouth diaphragm! It was as HS raspy old hen call. That was my 1st time ever calling one in on my own and it was awesome. I had gone out before daylight & set up with my decoys in an area with no action so I decided to go to a whole different area and hike way back into a deep swampy woods where I know a lot of turkeys roost. Got way back in there and about got lost it was so thick. Then I thought I heard a gobble way off on the next farm over so I sat real quiet for a minute and heard him again, just barely, so I made the absolute loudest 3 cluck call I could make and he responded! I quickly moved to an area where there was a little bit of a clearing so I could set-up my decoys in it and then I backed off and to the side to sit at the base of a big double trunk tree. Over the next 10 minutes it was me clucking with a few key keys here and there and him closing the distance gobbling every time I called. When he got probably inside 100 yards, he started circling me to my left and got quiet, so I stayed quiet for a couple minutes and then let out a couple real soft clucks and he gobbled big time from about 50 yards away, further to my left and in some really thick stuff, so I swung the gun around and strained to see anything. Then I saw him in bits and pieces from about 45 yards out and at 35 yards he appeared between a couple trees and I smoked him! I was using my 870 Remington 12 ga and a Remington 3”mag, 5 shot, Express turkey load. He had a fat 9.5 in beard, 3/4 in plus spurs, a big fat snoodle and he weighed in at 22 lbs.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Unbelievable Hail Storm in OK

My daughter, Debra, sent me this 4 minute video yesterday of a hail storm in Oklahoma on May 16, 2010, hitting in someones swimming pool. They say on the video over and over how they've never seen anything like this. Keep watching -  it beats everything down!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Bird and A Pig

Doyle Martin said this bird flew into a door, knocked itself out, awoke and then flew to its perch on an angel's wing.

Brenda Lynn put bird seed out on her patio in the southern part of Warren County in hopes of attracting a raccoon, or as least some birds.  Instead, a pig bellied up, and she doesn't know where it belonged.

These two pictures above were taken from our classified section of The Vicksburg Post this past Sunday.  I thought they were a 'little different.'  Photos can be submitted by readers of the Post for publication in giving your best shot!  I am happy to say that I have had a few published myself.  The photos have to be current and of interest to the public, either because of their subject matter or their oddity, or the photographic skill shown.  Enjoy!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cows, Cows and Miss Lucy!

Lucy posing with the cows in the background!

Well, here I go cow blogging again...I have a "thing" for cows...don't know why, being a city girl, but I consider myself a little bit county and a little bit Santa Fe.  I also love going out west to see my step-daughter and family in Santa Fe, NM.  I do love the country side and the wide open spaces.  I could actually live in a log cabin in the woods.  Matter of fact, my step-daughter and family have a two story log cabin in the woods outside Las Vegas, NM in San Miguel County.  It's call the Cerro Bonito (Beautiful Hills) Ranch that they can retreat to.  It is so peaceful and quiet there sitting on the side of a rocky hill with a brook running beside it.  All the roads there are named after women only and I have a road named after me that is called, Marian's Mile for my smile!  Bob and I made a sign for my road and put it up about 8 years ago.  It was quite an honor.  Well, lets get back to me cow blogging again.  One day I want to get a close up of their faces.  These cows were too far away for me to do that yesterday.  My mentor would be so happy to know that I took the time out to stop along the road to take some more pictures of cows!  ;)
Lucy said that this cow was walking strange.  They were all walking to get fed and it was around 11:00 am.

Trying to stay cool since it was near 90 degrees.

Lucy found some blackberries near the fence line.

There was a lot of baby calves. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Didn't Go As Planned...

Well, it started out with me going downstairs to get my hunting boots to wear to the camp.  While I was in the hunting room, where we also have our deep freezer, I opened it up and the food was thawing out.  Good Grief...not a good sign.  I checked the electrical socket and it was, I had that on my mind.   We left to go down to the camp and along the way we stopped to take some pictures of cows.  While we were out of the truck, my cell phone had rung and it was Bob telling me that we forgot the RIFLE!!  So, get back in the truck and we are only about 5 mins. from the camp gate.  I tell Lucy to check my phone and of course there was a message from Bob that we needed to turn around and come back to the house to get the rifle.  As I was turning around at the camp gate I noticed something did not look right at the gate.  We made it back home within 30 mins., got the rife and headed back to camp.  All along, the clouds are getting thicker and darker.  Finally, got to the gate.  There was all this trash in front of the gate and when I went to unlock the gate everything was charred.  Someone had vandalized our camp gate.  It looked liked they had put a mattress up against the gate and rammed it with a vehicle and there was glass and all kinds of charred remains.  It was hard to open one side of the gate and Lucy had to hold it open so I could get through.  Got to the camp house, unlocked the door and got her target ready and heard it thunder...just as soon as I got the target up and paced off 25 yards and handed the rife to Lucy, it started to sprinkle.  By the time she made only 6 shots, here comes the rain.  Grabbed the target and our sandwiches and drinks and got in the camp house.  All we could do was just watch the pouring down rain.  We enjoyed talking and it looked like it was going to rain forever, so we packed up and left the camp.  I promised her in two weeks after her 9 weeks tests week that I would pick her up after school and we will go back to the camp and try again.  Sometimes when you plan things they don't seem to work out so well and I guess this was one of those days.  I did get a few pictures and by the time we got back into town it has stopped raining.  Rain is here to stay for the next day or so.  I was able to take a picture of her target before and after and of her shooting.  After we got back into town we went to McDonald's and got us an ice cream cone and drove to the Mississippi River overlook to watch for any river traffic, but there was none.  She did point out that there was a train crossing the old Hwy 80 river bridge going into Louisiana.  We headed back to the house and her Mom came by to pick her up.  I was able to give her some food to take home that had thawed out and got in touch with my step-sons family and they had extra room in their deep freezer to keep our deer and hog meat that had not thaw out.  It was a very stressful day for sure but we made the best of it!  Better luck next time!

My favorite wild flowers in front of the camphouse in the rain.

I like this picture of Lucy standing outside our GMC truck at the Mississippi River overlook.

Going Target Practicing

My granddaughter, Lucy, and I are headed down to my camp, Jasper Bottom, to do some target practicing with my .22 rifle with scope.  I will be starting her off with the .22 and gradually bring her up to my .270.  We are trying to beat the rain that is forecast for this afternoon.  Will post pictures when we return.

Her tee-shirt says - Don't you wish your girlfriend could HUNT like me!

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Series "Top Shot" Premiering

This week I was contacted directly by The History Channel, to participate in a promotion about their new upcoming show "Top Shot" that premieres on Sunday, June 6th at 10pm  EST (

Sixteen of the nation's most skilled marksmen have been carefully selected to compete for the title. Some have professional shooting experience, some are amateurs--and all will showcase breathtaking timing, speed and accuracy in their quest to win the $100,000 prize package and the title of "Top Shot." The winner will ultimately have to be skilled in everything from muzzle-loading muskets and modern pistols to slingshots and throwing knives.

Each week, contenders will face both team and individual elimination challenges until one winner remains. Every challenge will focus on the weapons, technologies and techniques of different historical eras as hi-speed HD cameras capture the skillful execution of each test in extreme slow-motion.

They are also promoting several cool contests currently going on with Xbox.  - This is a sweepstakes where you and a friend could travel to Los Angeles for a special Microsoft game-related event. - This is a contest in which you would play Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 online between the times of 12:01 A.M. Pacific Time on June 4 and 11:59 P.M. PT on June 5, 2010. The best online players will be eligible to win prizes such as a HD TV, home theater system and an Xbox Elite.

Be sure and check out the "Top Show" video below and the links to the contests with XBox.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Champagne, Pumpkin & Heggins

Here's looking at you Pumpkin!

Pumpkin rolled over on her back and started grooming herself.

It's time to play and watch the birds in favorite spot!

Of course, we can't leave Heggins out!  What a cutie!

This past Monday my neighbor across the street invited me over again for happy hour and we had champagne, popcorn and bite-size snickers.  We really had a good time 'girl talking' and I brought my camera along to get some shots of her two animals, Pumpkin (the cat) and Heggins (the dog).  Above are some of those snapshots!