Saturday, May 15, 2010

Didn't Go As Planned...

Well, it started out with me going downstairs to get my hunting boots to wear to the camp.  While I was in the hunting room, where we also have our deep freezer, I opened it up and the food was thawing out.  Good Grief...not a good sign.  I checked the electrical socket and it was, I had that on my mind.   We left to go down to the camp and along the way we stopped to take some pictures of cows.  While we were out of the truck, my cell phone had rung and it was Bob telling me that we forgot the RIFLE!!  So, get back in the truck and we are only about 5 mins. from the camp gate.  I tell Lucy to check my phone and of course there was a message from Bob that we needed to turn around and come back to the house to get the rifle.  As I was turning around at the camp gate I noticed something did not look right at the gate.  We made it back home within 30 mins., got the rife and headed back to camp.  All along, the clouds are getting thicker and darker.  Finally, got to the gate.  There was all this trash in front of the gate and when I went to unlock the gate everything was charred.  Someone had vandalized our camp gate.  It looked liked they had put a mattress up against the gate and rammed it with a vehicle and there was glass and all kinds of charred remains.  It was hard to open one side of the gate and Lucy had to hold it open so I could get through.  Got to the camp house, unlocked the door and got her target ready and heard it thunder...just as soon as I got the target up and paced off 25 yards and handed the rife to Lucy, it started to sprinkle.  By the time she made only 6 shots, here comes the rain.  Grabbed the target and our sandwiches and drinks and got in the camp house.  All we could do was just watch the pouring down rain.  We enjoyed talking and it looked like it was going to rain forever, so we packed up and left the camp.  I promised her in two weeks after her 9 weeks tests week that I would pick her up after school and we will go back to the camp and try again.  Sometimes when you plan things they don't seem to work out so well and I guess this was one of those days.  I did get a few pictures and by the time we got back into town it has stopped raining.  Rain is here to stay for the next day or so.  I was able to take a picture of her target before and after and of her shooting.  After we got back into town we went to McDonald's and got us an ice cream cone and drove to the Mississippi River overlook to watch for any river traffic, but there was none.  She did point out that there was a train crossing the old Hwy 80 river bridge going into Louisiana.  We headed back to the house and her Mom came by to pick her up.  I was able to give her some food to take home that had thawed out and got in touch with my step-sons family and they had extra room in their deep freezer to keep our deer and hog meat that had not thaw out.  It was a very stressful day for sure but we made the best of it!  Better luck next time!

My favorite wild flowers in front of the camphouse in the rain.

I like this picture of Lucy standing outside our GMC truck at the Mississippi River overlook.


  1. Wishing you better days ahead.

    Glad you could find a place to store your deer and hog meat.

    Lucy will be ready for the Youth Hunt with your help... ;)

  2. It was really a 'bad hair' day...I guess we all have days like that...but we will try again in a couple of weeks. She will be at her Dad's next weekend and he lives out-of-town. It's good that Lucy had two grandmothers that are hunters. Should keep her interest up. Thanks for ooming by cdgardens! :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)