Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Making Herself At Home!

Our new cat, Allie Cat, has made herself at home.  She is less skittish now and hanging around everyone even, Katie, our peek-a-poo.  She is a sweet cat and has found another favorite spot in the front bedroom.  For some reason she will not drink water out of her feeding bowl but will run like a flash of light when you turn on the water faucets in the kitchen or the bathroom and jump up to drink water.  I need to check this out with the previous owner....Strange!


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Cute picture. She is very very sweet!

  2. Just wanted to tell you I am your newest follower. I also hunt! I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  3. Glad we adopted your cat wagsandpurrs. I know you wanted to take her with you when you moved but you know she is in good hands now with us. Come and visit when you can. :)

    Shelby - nice to meet another lady hunter and thanks for following me. I know we will have a lot to talk about. Take care and have a wonderful day also. :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)