Thursday, June 10, 2010

Shelby, A Lady Hunter

This is Shelby Holland, a lady hunter, who came to my blog and left a comment the other day on Making Herself At Home post.  She's 23 years old and a newly wed.  She has a blog called, The Hollands, and has been posting for two years.  Shelby and her new husband live in Oregon and she works as a Patient Access Specialist.  I look forward to all her hunting adventures and hope to post them on my blog. I also want to encourage her to join our Outdoor Bloggers Summit to get support and meet other blogging hunters in our great wild outdoors.  Besides deer she loves hunting elk, duck, go fishing, hiking and spending time with her family and three adorable dogs.  I look forward to getting to know her and wish her GOODHUNTING for next hunting season.

PS:  From Shelby:  I grew up in a family where my father hunted. I wasn't active in it at all, and when my I met my husband all of that changed. He grew up hunting, everything that moved. :) I had never shot a gun up until 5 years ago, and he started me out with a .22 rifle. It was fun to go shooting and to actually hit the thing I aimed at. I have yet to kill a buck, but I have taken my fair share of ducks, grouse, and a skunk {my first kill}.


  1. Thanks for the shout out! You are awesome. I am so glad that you and I have the oppurtunity to get acquainted. :)

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Yay! I LOVE Shelby! I know her in real life and she is awesome! :)

  3. You are so welcome Shelby and happy also through Blogger we can get to know one another. Us lady hunters have to stick together! :)

    Thanks Jenna for coming by...I'm sure she is a fine lady and look forward to our friendship. Thanks for coming by Jenna and leaving a comment. :)

  4. look forward to reading about the Northwest!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Me too Ian and will want to hear some of your great hunting stories also from Florida. Thanks for coming by and take care my friend. :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)