Friday, September 17, 2010

My 3rd Cousin In Iraq

My 3rd cousin, SPC Clayton Liebherr, is serving in Iraq and my first cousin, Mary Ann, sent me a few pictures of him last week.  Since then I have found a site on Facebook called, 1-14 Infantry Battalion, Charlie Company, loaded with pictures of the troops, including his company.  This is a great way for family and friends to keep up with their loved ones so far away.   Here are a few pictures of Clayton with his fellow soldiers in Iraq.

SPC Liebherr passes out humanitarian aid to children.

Local villagers show members of Charlie Company the new school that was recently built.

Soldiers passing out humanitarian aid to children.

From left to right: SPC Liebherr, 1LT Joo, SPC Marino, SPC Hanko, SPC Phan, SSG Johnson, and the platoon terp Raul enjoy a meal with IA and IP.

Clayton is in the middle of the sign with blond hair and his gun between his legs.

1st PLT at Patrol Base Gaines Mills from the album: Charlie Company by 1-14 Infantry Battalion


  1. Thank you for sharing Clayton's story.

    I am sure many of us can relate. I know I can. ;)

  2. You are so welcome cdgardens...


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)