Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Old Court House Flea Market

This picture was taken before 8:00 as I was climbing the steps to the Old Court House Museum.  It was a perfect day for a flea market in Vicksburg!  We did not attend Riverfest downtown but you could hear the city rocking on the bricks from our home last night and will continue tonight with more entertainment.
Ladies powder room to the right with beautiful flowers on the lawn. Took a few pictures of the grounds before heading back to our booth to help Bob sell his copper trees.

Getting ready to go back down to our booth with the blue-green top.  The vendor who was to our left did not show up till 10:00 to set up.  

Bob and I had our backs to the New Court House and facing the Old Court House. Getting ready to start the day selling his trees.  It was in the 50's and very windy and finally warmed up by mid-day!  Will post more pictures tomorrow of our flea market adventure.


  1. Very nice pictures of your Saturday flea market adventure. Glad it warmed up for you. ;)

  2. Thanks CDGardens! It was a fun day and the stripped tent next to us blew out into the street and just so happened that one of my classmates came to her rescue. It was so good to see him again. Her hero! Tied it down to the sign behind her and it held. We had a kitty litter bottle filled with sand that held us down but times when I thought that would give way. Could not believe how windy is was and chilly. It did warm up nicely towards mid-day! :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)