Saturday, June 11, 2011

Deer After The Flooding

Water not expected to affect deer season, wildlife bosses say~ 
Deer hunting season in MS is still on despite migration of deer during the historic MS River flood.
Water has displaced deer in the South Delta and the mainline MS River levee system.
However, history shows deer will escape to higher ground and follow receding water back to their home range, the MS Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks said this past week.
"We have been evaluating the situation along the MS River and throughout the south Delta.  Once the water recedes, we will be making site visits to properties along the River in order to determine the impacts of flooding on deer abundance," says Lann Wilf, a deer program biologist with the agency, in a release.
"However, we expect minimal long-term impacts to deer abundance because flood waters rose slowly," Wilf said, "which gave deer time to seek higher ground."
MDWFP does have the authority to close hunting seasons during emergencies, but it has not been recommended nor is it being considered by the agency, the release said.
Several seasons are scheduled in the fall for various types of deer hunting in MDWFP zones 1 and 3, which include land inside Warren County.
For more info on deer hunting season, log on to the MDWFP's website at
(Article taken from The Vicksburg Post)


  1. Interesting post marian! We in the north wondered how those deer on the porch would fare! Jack

  2. Thanks Long Ridge...I saw one on top of a house top...don't know if it made it or not. Imagine the pregnant does were stress out and may have not made it. I guess time will tell. I'm sure some of them drowned through all of this. We are still above the flood stage and will be until June 19 according to the National Weather Service River Forecast Center.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)