Monday, December 12, 2011

What A Fantastic View!

What a fantastic view - at a new angle!

My sister, Laura, had her birthday party Saturday afternoon at the home of my nephew, Joey's, girlfriend near the bridges.  What I would give to have a view like this out my window everyday!  As you know, I love taking pictures of the towboats going up and down the Mississippi River.  I was so excited when I saw how close we were and was able to take some pictures before it got too dark. Above is towboat, J. Russell Flowers, pushing a barge just passing under the I-20/Old Hwy 80 bridges loaded with coal going south.  

Princess, her pit bull, was in the backyard.  

I zoomed in and got towboat, Joe Bobzien, passing under the bridges from her front living room window.  

A small supply boat catching up to deliver groceries to towboat, Joe Bobzien.  

My great niece, Anna Claire, Chris, brother-in-law and sister being handed her cake to blow out her candles by her son Joey, my nephew.  My husband, Bob, sitting in chair out-of-view.

The bridges are all lit up like a Christmas tree after sundown.  She's also a deer hunter and told me that deer are always in her yard walking around within the city limits.  Her 10 year old son is also a hunter and puzzled why he cannot shoot them!


  1. Thank you SO MUCH for your effort in posting this magnificent view! Really Great! Congratulations!!!

  2. Thanks Michael...glad you liked it! I have lived here all my life and getting older really makes you appreciate life and things around you more. You are so busy raising a family that you turn around one day and your family has grown up and left home. Now the grandchildren are having kids...and life goes on.
    PS: I was really pleased with the pit bull pix.

  3. Nice pictures of your view. Your question. It´s different but mostly they are about 3 meters high.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)