Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Last Hunt @ Arrowhead Stand

On my last morning hunt it was decided that I go back to the Arrowhead Stand.  Rex dropped me off before daylight and I walked in.  Got situated in my stand and waited.  Before day light broke I could hear something rustling in the woods to my left.  I could barely make it out and realized it was a hog.  Got my gun up but was to late to get a shot.  I managed to see he was black with some white hair.  Rats!  Came that close.  Maybe next time.  

In the distance I heard an owl hooting and then a turkey gobble!  Ducks were flying overhead and the duck hunters were shooting them down.  It's so nice to be out in nature and watch the woods come alive in the early morning hours.  The sun came up over to my right side of the stand.  

About 7:45 a doe stepped out about 50 yards to my left side and watched her feed across the field while two more does came out.  When the last doe came out, she saw me and then three were gone.  I was surprised as I looked around the tree that the first doe was standing there wondering why the others took off.  I decided to shoot and got my gun up and took the shot.  She took off down in the woods.  I waited and got down to check and saw white hair and some blood.  I did not like what I saw because I had been down this road before and never found my deer.  I could not find anymore blood to track and walked into the woods hoping to find her.  It was a long shot of 110 yards.  She came in at close range but fed to the edge of the field way in front of me.  

Rex came to help me look for my deer but we could not find it.  It went down a very steep embankment.  I hated to lose my deer but happens to the best of us.  I also need to check my rifle to see if it had been knocked off.  

A picture of the field behind me and was hoping the hog would come out and cross over from left to right but never did.

Sun peeking through the woods.

Waiting for Rex to come and pick me up at the entrance to the Arrowhead Stand to help me look for my deer.

Blood on two leaves and we decided that I may have just grazed her. 

At the entrance are some nice size deer tracks all over the place!

Leaving the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club.  Thanks for a wonderful hunting adventure in the great wild outdoors with our hunting friends on the edge of the MS Delta!


  1. A wonderful hunting story again with nice pictures.
    Sorry you didn´t find the doe. We must do tracking by law if we find blood and it maybe is hit.
    Don´t you have tracking dogs available? On my blogg list I have born-to-track from Berne NY. They use dachshunds as I have.
    Friday is holiday and we have 3 days to hunt. Moosehunt and training with Ayla.

  2. Rex did a good job tracking and we don't have tracking dogs at the camp. Have dogs but are not used for that. Family pets. At one camp I hunted at they did have a tracking dog and found my deer. I was so happy!

    Good Luck hunting - will check on you! :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)