Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pesky Animals

For the last two weeks I have had to call our City of Vicksburg's Animal Control Unit, to bring a cage to capture some pesky animals that want to live under our house that sits over a small hill.  I don't know how in the world they can get in but they do.  When we first moved here 20 years ago we did not have this problem and then all of a sudden here comes all the cats, opossums and raccoons to live rent free. They have gotten up in the insulation and have made a big mess. Our heating system went on the blink a couple of weeks ago and its a fairly new unit and went downstairs to check and saw part of the side panel off and on the ground and a pipe was unhooked from the unit.  I called Animal Control and asked them to bring a cage to catch whatever is under the house again.  It has been about 5 years since we had to call the city to pick up 6 raccoons and 6 opossums and a number of cats that were staying here...but now they are baaaaack!  Two weeks ago we captured two cats and over the weekend an opossum and just this morning a bigger older opossum.  I've got to find out where they are coming in and get that fixed before they tear down our cypress home.  


  1. Is it wild cats? We dont have anything like that here...VIlja ran off tonight 75 minutes hunted she a was dark at 7 pm when she came , what luck!

  2. You do have a wild situation at your house.I can honestly say I know what you are feeling.

    I wish you luck on finding the point of entry so they can't invade your space anymore.

  3. I'm not sure if the cats are wild ... could be somebody's cat but they have no collar on them. So glad your dog decided to come back...that can be scary because you don't know what they are doing or if someone had picked them up.

    CDGardens - To live in the city...I do have a WILD situation. I will try to get that fixed this weekend.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)