Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Amelia Island Plantation

On April 3,1988, Bob and I got married on an Easter Sunday evening.  A few days later we flew to Jacksonville, FL, to Amelia Island Plantation.  We had a wonderful time and had planned to ride the horses in the ocean.  Bob had set up the appointment and after arriving at the stables, we found out that you could not weigh 200lbs., or over. They told me I could ride...but he could not.  What a disappointment! So we came back to the resort and Bob made a complaint to the management that we were not told that upfront. So, to make it all better, we were invited to a very exclusive restaurant with a five course meal. Sometimes things work out for the best and it cost more to eat than to ride the horses.  Below is a picture someone took of us at the airport on our way to Florida for our honeymoon.  

Today's our 24th Wedding Anniversary!


  1. Happy Anniversary!! Blessings, Catherine

  2. Thank you so much Catherine! :)

  3. Happy 24th Anniversary! Hope you are blessed with many more.

  4. Thank you CDGardens...we went out to eat dinner at a Mexican Restaurant this evening and really had an enjoyable time. Appreciate your kindness. :)

  5. Happy Anniversary....You look very happy on the picture and I know you still are. Hugs to both of you

  6. Thank you Lindsjo taxar! :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)