Monday, May 14, 2012

Candid Shots On Mother's Day!

I really had a nice Mother's Day and after church Bob and I went to a Mexican Restaurant with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew.  I received calls from all four of my daughters, my step-daughter, step-son and a granddaughter in Santa Fe. Also, a call from my bestest and closest friend, Jeanette.  My daughter, Debra Ann, had planned to come and visit me but plans had to be rearranged so we headed down to Learned, MS, to visit her instead.  When we got there my granddaughter and Kelsey were playing on the four wheeler with my grandson, Ethan.  After awhile Ethan had to leave and Lucy and Kelsey had fun riding through mud holes and getting down and dirty.  They had so much fun and I enjoyed taking their pictures and watching them.  Below are some candid shots I took of our afternoon visit.

My grandson, Michael "Ethan" Kelly, who will be graduating on May 22, 2012, at the MS Coliseum from Raymond High School, has recently joined the Air Force and will report to duty in September.

Granddaughter, Lucy, with Kelsey driving and having a blast on the 4-wheeler.

Going through a mud hole while Jasper watches over.

Riding through the pines.

Look what a mud fight will do!

Trying to clean up!

Jasper taking it all in...

Some pretty flowers to share with you that I took...

At the Louisiana overlook on the Mississippi River after arriving back home to watch the sun set on a beautiful and very nice Mother's Day in our great outdoors!


  1. Wow! Nice photos! You sure are enjoying in your mother's day celebration.

    Looks a whole lot fun!

  2. Nice pictures of your flowers! We get more and more outside now , spring is coming now ....


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)