Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cerro Bonito Ranch (Part II)

At the Cerro Bonita Ranch there are many roads and traditionally named after ladies only.  I am fortunate to have a road named after me and it's called, "Marian's Mile" for my smile.  It was great to once again have my picture taken by my road sign in our great wild outdoors! 

Marian's Mile for my smile.

To the right of my road is Abby's Meadow Rd.

 Kristina, step-granddaughter and her boyfriend, Jared, riding in the back of the truck.

Kristina standing by her sign, Kristina's Kaper.

At the swimming hole.

Ron going to try and catch a frog at the swimming hole.

No luck!  The frog outsmarted him!

Ron showed me the trees that were growing out the side of the mountain rock near cowboy camp.

At Cowboy Camp

Looking back at the truck. They left Bob and I alone to go check on something at cowboy camp. They did this before and it was like Deja Vu all over again and wondering if a bear would appear.

Karen and Kristina came back with an elk vertebrae and some bones.  I guess the bear or mountain lion ate the elk up!

We went up and down some pretty steep roads which was once used for silver mining years ago.

The name of this rock is called, "Mountain Lion" because one was sighted here!


  1. Wonderful smile by Marian's Mile! How fun to have a road named after you.

    Thank you for sharing your day. I am looking forward to the next post to see what you saw next. :)

  2. Nice pictures from your trip...We have Midsummer celebration this weekend...but we have rain tonight so no sitting outside and enjoy


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)