Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Happy & Sad Halloween

My Happy Halloween is that my granddaughter was born on Halloween and her Dad, (who past away when she was young) nicknamed her, Spook!  Victoria Leigh is 25 years old today.  She is such a sweet granddaughter who gave me a great grandson, Ian.  Wishing her a very Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween!  I love you very much Victoria...Gran Gran xxoo

Happy "25th" Birthday Victoria Leigh!

My sad Halloween is that my only brother, Marion Edward Love, Jr., born on January 14, 1945, died on October 31, 2010. I miss him so very much but know he is in a better place and not suffering anymore! May he rest in the arms of Jesus!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

M/V Inez Andreas Moored @ Casino

Today was my first day to drive after having rotator cuff surgery about two and half weeks ago.  I met some friends for lunch and really had a nice visit with them at Riverwalk Casino. These pictures were taken after I ate lunch and the towboat, Inez Andreas, with a huge load was parked beside the embankment at the Casino. I heard that they just pull over to rest...I guess like the trucks do the highway.  I hope you enjoy the pictures on a very cloudy day today in Vicksburg, MS.

Looking north toward the two bridges of I-20 and old Hwy 80.  You can see the sandbar is way out.

Not sure what this little tugboat was there for unless it is being towed.

Riverwalk Casino.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Which Way Deer!

The guys with the carrots went that way!
Michael J. Persichini Photography

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monster Buck By The Mad Dog

On Trapper John Hogman Schmidt's Facebook site was this picture of a monster buck taken by a man called, The Mad Dog!  Not sure how he got 3 shots off with a crossbow but got a super duper buck in our great wild outdoors!  My congrats!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy "44" Birthday Debra Ann

Forty-four years ago today I had my 3rd beautiful daughter, Debra Ann, who recently re-married back in April.  I want to wish her a very Happy Birthday today and may she have many more happy returns of the day!  I love you very much!  MOM
(The dainty pearl necklace she has on...I wore over 50 years ago when I married her Dad back in 1962)

Very First Deer Hunting While Pregnant

This is an awesome buck shot by Lacy Schepis Williams last year while 6 months pregnant!  It was her very first deer ever and she had a blast, pun intended!  She said she also made the cover of the Colorado Division of Wildlife big hunting regulations magazine this year!  My congrats to Lacy in our great wild outdoors.  She was very lucky to get a nice buck like this!  Kudos!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Charlie's Nice Buck

This very nice buck was taken by my new Facebook friend, Charlie Smith, of Tenino, Washington.  His three year old son was with him and posing here with his Dad's buck. Charlie is a taxidermist. I love the big smile on his son's face!  Priceless! 

My congrats to Charlie in our great wild outdoors!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

First Deer With A Bow

Above is Jackie Forgarty on opening day of gun season in Georgia.  She said her two fellas (son and hubby) took their spots in their tower stand to gun hunt.  She, on the other hand, was still wanting to stay faithful to her bow.  Never having harvested one with it yet, and on year two of "patiently" waiting for her chance it finally came last Saturday.  She shot him at 32.1 yards at 7:21 in the morning.  Her first deer with a bow was an 8 point buck!  You can't beat that!  My congrats to Jackie in our great wild outdoors!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

M/V Dan Jaworski Passing Through

M/V Dan Jaworski on October 17, 2013 passing through Vicksburg headed south with it's containers loaded.

 Coming into full view.

Moving on down the Mississippi River.

Closer view on a cloudy day.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Grandaughter's Birthday

Today my Granddaugher, Candace Lynn, celebrated her 29th Birthday.  Here she is in April 1995 at 11 years old on our back deck. Candace recently got married and lives in Louisiana with her husband, Will. Wishing her many more Birthday's to come and know that I love you very much!  Gran Gran

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Shot Out

Above is my favorite place to hunt at the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta.  This stand is called the Arrowhead Stand.  With deer season already in progress, it's sad to say I'm shot out and will be having surgery in the morning on my rt. rotator cuff.  Maybe later on I can take my camera and get behind a ground blind...just so I'm in the woods enjoying nature.  Not sure how I will be able to post with my arm in a sling for approximately three weeks.  Hopefully, I will have a speedy recovery and be back posting on my blog before long. GOODHUNTING to all and please be safe and have a prosperous hunting season!  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ella's First Deer

Yesterday, I posted a picture of Ella with her doe and today I was happy to receive a picture of Ella from her Dad, Wade, of her very first deer...a 6 pt. buck taken in November 2011 with a .223.  It weighed in at 180+ pounds, he said.  I love the initiating of blood on her face!  

My first deer was also a 6 pt. buck and all the hunters had gone home on opening day and my husband-to-be, Bob, and I stayed after the storm let up and went in.  He dropped me off at my stand and he walked down the creek from me and just about the time he sat down to light up a cigarette, I shot.  The ground was so wet that the deer never heard or smelled us walking in.  I got down to look for my deer and found blood and slapped it all over my face!  I knew the hunters had left and decided to initiate my own self.  That was the beginning of my 28 years of hunting at the age of 44.  

Ella is so lucky to start hunting at a very young age.  Her younger sister Miley has started hunting as well. I wish both of them GOODHUNTING in our great wild outdoors.  They are two very lucky little girls and a special/proud Dad to teach them.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Daughters Hunting With Dad

Wade Pickel, my Facebook friend, has been taking his two daughters hunting, Ella on the left and Miley on the right.  That is such a wonderful thing for Wade to teach his daughters the sport of hunting at such an early age.  Hats off to Wade!  His daughters one day will treasures this quality time with their Dad and he the memories as well. Two lucky little "hunters" in our great wild outdoors!

Here is 3 year old Miley climbing up to hunt with her dad.  

Her very first hunt and you can see the excitement in her eyes!

She waited for over 2 hours with her Dad but no deer showed up.  Dad said she did really good for the very first time.

A great picture of Miley with her Dad, Wade.

Recently, Ella got a very nice doe on a Youth Hunt weekend.  My congrats to Ella! That is meat in the freezer and I'm so proud of you!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Buck Feeder

My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini, said that this could be dangerous and does not expect someone to try this.  He said, whatever happens to me happens...I just loves doing this.  Mike named the deer, Bucky, and has feeding him since he was real young.  Please hit the HD lower right after it starts.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Huge Neck!

My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini, posted this video on Oct. 10th of a very nice buck with a huge neck. Here he is eating apples and corn that Mike put out for the deer in our great wild outdoors!  After the video starts hit the HD lower right.  Thanks Mike for sharing this amazing cam video.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

A Three Dog Night @ Fair

My daughter Kathy and I headed to Jackson to the Mississippi State Fair for an evening of fun yesterday afternoon. She wanted to see Three Dog Night playing at the Budweiser Pavilion.  We made our way across the way by using the Sky Lift to take us to the other end and as we approached to get off...I fell down.  I hit my left knee and came down on my right hand.  I also found out that I have a complete rupture of my right rotator cuff (no hunting this season) last week and as they were trying to get me up off the concrete ground I did not want to be pulled up by my right shoulder - - so I was able to get up on my knees and they grabbed my left side and got me up.  I had my camera around my neck and it hit the concrete and all the batteries came out.  So afraid that I broke my camera but thankfully it's still working.  I felt so bad about falling and must have tripped.  I thought I had ruin the evening for my daughter but the people there were so nice and got my knee all bandaged up and my hand.  We were given a free pass back over by Dean whom I figured was the head man over the ride.  We watched the show and enjoyed it and of course I was a little afraid to go back the way I came but knew I could not walk all the way back.  I was told that it can be stopped which they had a sign there on the fence but did not noticed it going in. We made it back and it was stopped for me to get off by being radioed to the other end.  To our surprise Dean was there to greet us again and said that he was sorry that I had fallen. It was just one of those things that happens and with me getting up in age...I'm slowing down.  I'm not a spring chicken anymore....that's for sure! Before we left the fair Kathy got a candy apple and I some salt water taffy.  The most important thing here is spending quality time with my daughter is what made the evening enjoyable.  Below are some pictures taken at the fair which was a beautiful afternoon and evening.

The Budweiser Pavilion 

Getting ready to strike up the band.  

Three Dog Night

Heading back on the Sky Lift.

 Finally back on the ground.

Time for a Bud Light...

...and my daughter drove my truck back home.