Friday, January 08, 2016

Saving The Depot

The city workers and volunteers are busy sandbagging a 2-foot high wall around the Yazoo & MS Valley RR Depot yesterday. It houses a museum and offices of the Vicksburg Convention & Visitors Bureau and Vicksburg Main Street. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is providing a pump to remove water from the building's basement. Also, to the left a barrier has been erected to block Levee Street to keep the Vicksburg Murals on the flood wall dry. River level is 46.38 feet and flood stage is 43 feet. Flood prediction has been lowered from 52.5 feet to 52 feet in Vicksburg, MS.  A historical flooding was here in Vicksburg in 2011 of 57.1 feet.  (note last photo)

Three gates are closed now by the waterfront.   

The iconic picture that was posted in the paper in 2011 flood.

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