Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hunter Shot While Turkey Hunting

A hunter has been released from the hospital after being shot in the face by his hunting partner in Carroll County.

Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks" Lt. Chris Reed said the incident happened last Friday morning.

Reed says 63-year old Curtis Entrekin and 69-year-old-Charles Childs were hunting turkeys together but had separated at some point during the morning.

Officials say Childs was returning to the area where the two men parted when he was shot.  Reed says it appears to be a case of a hunter mistaking another for game.

Reed says Childs was taken to a hospital, where he had 26 pellets removed from his face and neck area.

A golden rule in firearm safety is to identify your target beyond all doubt.

National Wild Turkey Federation's hunter safety expert, Tom Hughes, has a strategy to prevent him from failing to identify his target.  He calls it "ironclad identification."

"You have to insist on ironclad identification," he said.  "It's not enough to see the red of a turkey's head; you've got to see its eyes, beak and beard."  In other words, look for several details specific to that animal.

Unlike other hunting accidents, failing to identify your target is not preventable by a piece of gear, but by a safety mindset that has been forged by habit.

Rules for Gun Safety
  • Keep your gun pointed in a safe direction.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to shoot
  • Identify your target and what is beyond it.
  • Keep your gun unloaded until you’re ready to use it.
Scenario 1
While turkey hunting, you see another hunter walking by. What you do next is important for both of your safety. The best course of action is to stay still. Then get their attention by saying “I’m over here!” Say it in a clear, loud voice. Don’t worry about messing up your hunt. It’s best to announce your presence and both of you move to different locations.

Scenario 2
You see turkeys as you walk through the woods. Could this be your lucky day? Not likely. Turkeys have strong senses, and they would have seen and heard you long before you could catch sight of them. They are probably decoys. First, use ironclad identification. Are the turkeys moving? Are they standing still? Seeing they are decoys, what do you do next? Announce yourself in a clear, loud voice.

Be safe and enjoy the hunt.


  1. Even bad eyesight is no excuse for such things.

  2. You are excuses!

    My husband and I were deer hunting together one morning about 20 years ago when I saw a movement looking from the right of the main road and put my rife up to scope and it was one of our members walking out without his orange vest on. Of course, we reported it when we got back to camp and he was reprimanded by the President of our hunting club. You just don't do that and he knew better. You got to make doubly sure of your target. We did speak to him about it in the woods but I can't remember if he put it on or not. I always make sure what I'm looking at and identify my target first and foremost.


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)