Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Watch Out For Snakes While At Deer Camp!

My Facebook friend, Dana Sanders, a wetland consultant, had a bad experience back in September 2014 when he got bit by a rattlesnake. 

"It's that time of the year as we hunters head to the woods to get ready for the upcoming deer season," Dana said.  "Heck, I think getting ready is as fun as actual hunting...but...this is also the height of snake movement as they prepare for winter. Be extra cautious, wear some quality boots or snake chaps such as Turtle Skin Snake Armor and don't step where you can't see!  If you're a hunter, share this with your friends. This was a terrible experience for me, and it was totally preventable!" 

Rattlesnake bite ends Claiborne County hunting-club work day, sends a hunter to the hospital.  

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