Thursday, January 30, 2020

Saturday Afternoon Hunt & Sunday @ Christmas Place

On our way to the Crossover Stand where Rex was going to put me, we made a stop by the 40-acre lake on the property and saw that the wooden dock was underwater from all the rain. 

After setting me up at the Crossover Stand I took this picture of Rex leaving to go to his stand for an afternoon hunt.  

Rex had made a makeshift brace from a branch to rest my rife on so I could get a clean shot on a deer at the Crossover Stand.  

Looking out in a very nice field for a deer and/or hog but nothing showed up.     

I had to get a picture of Mark's dog, Marley!  She was so gentle and sweet.

Sunday morning was a washout from all the rain, so we broke camp early and this is a picture that was taken by Steward.  Mark with his dog, Marley, Paul, myself and Rex.  Missing was Trent who had to leave the night before and Barney who was in the woods checking on some unfinished camp business.

Mark, Paul, Steward, and Rex my hunting buddies.

On my way home from the deer camp, I always like to stop at the Yazoo Interchange to take pictures of this swamp.  I have a fascination with swamps and their mysterious look.  

Thanks, Rex for inviting me again to hunt at the family's famous Christmas Place Hunting Club on Christmas Road.  It was great to see you and visit with all my hunting buddies even though I did not get a deer.  Just being in the woods and enjoying nature is the best of both worlds in our great wild Mississippi outdoors

1 comment:

Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)