Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Texas Hog Queen @ #191

My Facebook friend, Kareen "Hog Queen" Beinhauer of Alpine, TX, got her second hog over the weekend and this is her story in her own words.  The game camera showed a hog coming in at the deer feeder a little after dark. It is a new camera and had a panoramic feature which at first I thought would be neat but the picture was weird and you could not even read the time so I changed it to take one regular shot. I did not know I had to change the time so it was wrong along with the date but I kind of knew what time he was coming in. A little later a bigger boar came in and ate so I was hoping to see him. I was out by 6:00 p.m. and about 7:28 a big boar showed up. I guess he heard my coat rustling as I was putting my rifle up to my shoulder because he ran off. I told myself I probably would not see anything but if that boar was not all that scared he should be back within the hour. But no, he came back earlier and he presented me with a perfect lung shot which I took. Of course, he ran off but I shone my flashlight and could see the beginnings of a blood trail which got bigger as I tracked it. I knew he did not make it and sure enough about 30 feet from the pen, I found him. Good sized boar but his tusks were not very big but I am so happy I got two hogs this weekend. I will measure him to find out his weight in the morning. Shot him at 8:11. #2 for the year, 191 total. Yippeee!

I was going to measure that hog to see how much he weighed but there wasn’t enough left to measure. The coyotes are hungry too.

My congratulations again to Kareen on her second hog for the new year in our great wild outdoors! Way to go Texas hog queen!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like the coyotes went for the soft stuff first.


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