Friday, February 05, 2021

More Memorable Pictures Of Rex

I love this picture I took of Rex on the camp's red tractor during a weekend workday.

Rex and his best friend, Mark working on his Dad's deer stand called The Game Warden's Stand.  I've hunted out of this stand many times.

Not sure what he was showing me (maybe some kind of nut) but I believe this is at the Privy Stand.

Making use of a workday cutting up a tree limb that had fallen on the road.

Love this picture of putting "Othmar" in the water for the first time!  He was so happy!  (It was named after Othmar Vohringer who lived in Merritt, British Columbia, and was one of many bloggers that Rex brought together under the Outdoor Bloggers Network)

Some good times around the campfire with Rex and his storytelling!

To be continued...

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Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)