Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Revealing The Secret World Of Female Hunters (Cont)

 Revealing the secret world of female hunters...

Jan Daigre, a lifelong hunter, explained that her husband, Bubba, gave her a rope and a snatch block.

"You should have seen that," Jan Daigre said.  "There I was looking for a tree with a limb low enough and strong enough to throw the rope over and then use the winch on my side by side to lift the deer into the back of the buggy.  Gee, it's just easier to wait until Buba Daigre gets home and I sen him out to get the deer for me."

I agree, Jan, it is easier to call my husband, Mark Posey, and let him know there is a deer in the woods waiting on him know there is a deer in the woods waiting on him.  A few years ago, he found an easily operated lift to load the deer on my 4-wheeler.

A few problems remain - - finding the deer and getting it up out of the lowest gulley on the property.  Although I can load the deer myself, rarely can I find it without Mark's help. 

* On the flip side, I asked these women if they believed they had any advantages over male hunters.  The majority think women are more patient than their male counterparts and have better eye/hand coordination, allowing for them to be more accurate shooters.

*  Regardless of what age these women started hunting, every one of them still hunts.  Marian Ann Love, a well-known, long-time hunter and hunting blogger, is in her 80's and still hunts as often as she can.  I hope to hunt with her one day very soon!  That's me!

My very first 8-point buck was taken at Brown's Point on Kings Point Island, New Year' Eve '89.  I had it mounted the first of three 8-points.  (To be continued)

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