Monday, December 20, 2021

Moving Into The New Year 2022

I will be packing/moving in a few weeks and will be offline until I can get settled in.  I want to wish all my blogging/hunting friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Until then, I will be signing off.  See you in 2022!  Marian 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Christmas In The Air In My Hometown of Vicksburg, MS

Christmas was in the air this past Sunday with the luminaries that were placed by Boy Scout Troop 7 on Glenwood Circle, Drummond, Arthur, Cherry, Chambers, and Baun Streets.  Here are some random pictures that I took on a perfect holiday festive night in my hometown of Vicksburg, MS.


Washington Street in downtown Vicksburg, MS.

City Hall

Washington Street, Vicksburg, MS.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Back In The Day

Back in the day, deer hunters would camp in hollowed-out logs. They would spend months in the woods hunting deer. They would sell the whitetail hides for a dollar. That's how the dollar came to be known as a "buck".

Friday, December 10, 2021

Revealing The Secret World Of Female Hunters (Cont)

 Revealing the secret world of female hunters...

*  I was interested to know what the women would say to non-hunting women and girls about hunting.  

Most of the answers were similar:  Try it a few times and decide for yourself whether or not it is for you;  there is no other experience like this - - being in nature, being still and quiet; see God's beauty; knowing the dishes and laundry will still be there when you get home, so go have fun.

The best answer: there's always a story to tell.  True.  When you come out of the woods, there is ALWAYS a story to tell.

Hunting continues to be a male-dominated sport.  My husband and I belong to a number of hunting camps.  At a few of those, I am the only woman.  At others, there is at least one other woman, and sometimes two or three, who are ready to get up early, pull on a whole bunch of warm clothes, grab a rifle, and heard to the woods - - even if our husbands have to come to find our deer and haul it in for us. 

Robyn Lea is a resident of Vicksburg.  She can be reached at

Robin Lea poses with an impala she hunted on a trip to South Africa.  The impala was harvested on a 10,000-acre plot on private property on a hunt with the landowners.  My congratulations to Robin Lea on a very nice impala.

Thursday, December 09, 2021

Revealing The Secret World Of Female Hunters (Cont)

Revealing the secret world of female hunters...

*  Just like male hunters, female hunters use a variety of rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, compound bows, and crossbows.  We all have our favorites for very different reasons.

Although I have experienced some issues with the length of pull, most of the women have not.  It is an easy fix, but definitely something to consider if you are purchasing your first rifle.  Women's arms tend to be shorter than men's.  Therefore, the length of pull is shorter as well.

Rifles you purchase over-the-counter are, generally, made for men.  There are stocks you can purchase with a custom length of pull, or you can take that over-the-counter stock to a gunsmith and have it adjusted.

*  Traditionally, hunting clothes and gear were designed for men.  There is a current trend to offer hunting clothes and gear specifically for women.  Interestingly, most of the women responding to the questionnaire prefer men's items, finding them more comfortable and roomier.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Revealing The Secret World Of Female Hunters (Cont)

 Revealing the secret world of female hunters...

Jan Daigre, a lifelong hunter, explained that her husband, Bubba, gave her a rope and a snatch block.

"You should have seen that," Jan Daigre said.  "There I was looking for a tree with a limb low enough and strong enough to throw the rope over and then use the winch on my side by side to lift the deer into the back of the buggy.  Gee, it's just easier to wait until Buba Daigre gets home and I sen him out to get the deer for me."

I agree, Jan, it is easier to call my husband, Mark Posey, and let him know there is a deer in the woods waiting on him know there is a deer in the woods waiting on him.  A few years ago, he found an easily operated lift to load the deer on my 4-wheeler.

A few problems remain - - finding the deer and getting it up out of the lowest gulley on the property.  Although I can load the deer myself, rarely can I find it without Mark's help. 

* On the flip side, I asked these women if they believed they had any advantages over male hunters.  The majority think women are more patient than their male counterparts and have better eye/hand coordination, allowing for them to be more accurate shooters.

*  Regardless of what age these women started hunting, every one of them still hunts.  Marian Ann Love, a well-known, long-time hunter and hunting blogger, is in her 80's and still hunts as often as she can.  I hope to hunt with her one day very soon!  That's me!

My very first 8-point buck was taken at Brown's Point on Kings Point Island, New Year' Eve '89.  I had it mounted the first of three 8-points.  (To be continued)

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Revealing The Secret World Of Female Hunters (Cont)

Revealing the secret world of female hunters...

 * I asked these women, "What do you like about hunting?"

Their answers were similar: they love being outdoors, it is peaceful, the quietness and beauty surround them, they are rarely this still and contemplative, they enjoy hunting in the morning and watching the world come alive, they feel close to God,  it is pure joy, their lives are stressful and getting in a deer stand offers them complete peace.  They love seeing wildlife in its natural habitat.

Most of the women prefer to hunt alone because they enjoy solitude.  Some mentioned when they hunt with their husbands they think their husbands talk too much.

I received frequent admonishments from my husband when I first started hunting because he thought I was talking too much in the deer stand.  Wanda Cook advised me to get in a stand by myself as soon as I was safe to hunt along.  It is better to be in a stand without company.

* As a hunter, I see two disadvantages women have as compared to male hunters.  Almost all of the women identified the same two issues --- going to the bathroom and hauling the game out of the woods also.  Both of these topics present some challenges for women, however, most of us have managed to overcome these obstacles. 

To be continued... 

Monday, December 06, 2021

Revealing The Secret World Of Female Hunters


Recently, a non-hunter mentioned that she did not think there were many female hunters in this area.  I nodded politely but could not stop thinking bout her statement, because I know plenty of women who hunt.

Throughout the remainder of the day, that thought became less about how many female hunters there are more about the women themselves.  Who are these women?

Eventually, I came up with a list of 14 questions, sent the list to women who hunt, and posed a plea on Facebook requesting female hunters contact me if they were interested in answering a few questions about hunting.

Here is what I learned:

*  These women started hunting for a few different reasons, including spending time with their father or husbands: as a family outing; or a normal event in their family and that is what everyone did so they joined in the fun.

Wanda Cook, my hunting buddy, started hunting as an 18-year-old bride because her husband hunted every weekend.  She was devastated not to spend more time with her brand new husband, so she picked up a rifle and started going with him. Almost 50 years later, Wanda and Jerry Cook still hunt together.

To be continued...

Friday, December 03, 2021

Mufasa Roaming The Neighborhood

Minnesotan Chris Lyon was well aware that a monster buck knew as “Mufasa” roamed his neighborhood. He also felt that his chances of killing the giant were scant. But thanks to some surprise trail-cam pics, that all changed a few days before the Gopher State’s youth deer hunt. Not long anger the season opened, Lyon’s son, Zerl, was wrapping a tag on a buck that had become a local legend.  (Click here to read the story)

My congratulations!  Lucky kid in our great wild outdoors!

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Invited On A MS Canoe Trip By Layne Logue

I would have loved to have gone on this canoe trip and honored to be asked but since I cannot get up and down at the age of 80 years old, I had to turn it down.  When I was in my 40's I went on a canoe trip seven miles down the Buffalo River in Arkansas.  At least I have done it.  Wishing all a great trip and I know they will enjoy themselves with Captain Layne Logue at the helm.

 ***** UPDATE *****

Saturday: Partly cloudy. High near 75F. Low 52F. Winds are light and variable. Chance of Rain 13%.
Sunday: Partly to mostly cloudy. High near 75F. Low 52F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of Rain 14%.
The rain is moving away from the forecast. If there is a potential for a shower… bring a rain poncho… and possibly put your backpack or gear in a trash bag … or dry bag if you have it.
Since we have 15 people signed up right now (maybe 1-5 more)… I’m thinking the Delta Point Islands would be better and have more room. There will be hammock trees there too. See new attached Google Earth screenshot. It’ll be better exploring too. The freshwater otter movie was filmed on these islands. It’s a little more paddling upstream… but we have a break /stop at a sandbar… and we’ll go slow and easy.
FREE COMMUNITY PADDLING Camping Trip on the Mississippi River.
MAFIAPALOOZA on the Mississippi River!
Dec. 4 Saturday to Dec. 5 Sunday
The plan is to meet at 12:00pm Saturday, Dec. 4 at the Vicksburg Boat Ramp.
Vicksburg Waterfront Public Boat Ramp
(32.3507978°N, 90.8841247°W)
Address: ‪1250 Levee Street. Vicksburg, MS‬
Leave vehicles parked at the boat ramp.
Paddle …AS A GROUP… the 2.5 miles to Delta Point sandbar. Or 4.5 miles to Delta Point Islands (with a stop break halfway).
Bring your own tent/ hammock, sleeping bag/pad, food, snacks and water and everything you need to Camp in tents or hammock camp in the woods.
The List of people is as follows
White Clipper Langley canoe:
1. Paddler 1
2. Paddler 2
3. Paddler 3
4. Paddler 4
5. Paddler 5
6. Capt. Layne Logue
In their own boat:
1. Tom - Perception Eclipse Sea Lion (17 ft.)
2. Andrea - Hurricane Santee Sport (12.6 ft.)
3. John & Maddie - Hurricane Tandem
4. Candace - Eddyline
Yellow Clipper Langley canoe OR Wenonah Minn 4 canoe:
1. Capt Kelly McGinnis
2. Paddler 2
3. Paddler 3
4. Paddler 4
(If needed)
***** END UPDATE *****
Please let me know if you are planning to join in your own boat. If I don’t know you… I need to know what boat you are paddling in.

Monday, November 29, 2021

The Promised Land

 I love this picture of my three-year-old Great Grandson William David "Will" reading the Bible. Last Sunday my daughter (Debi) was getting the boys ready for church and Mom (Lucy) said, "Where are y'all going?" Will said I'm going to the Promised Land."

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving Blogging Friends!

I will be taking the rest of the week off from blogging to prepare for Thanksgiving, and hopefully, get in a deer hunt or two.  Wishing all my blogging friends a very Happy Thanksgiving, and may God Bless you too!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Tanglewood Camp Youth Hunt 2021

Check out a few of the highlights from the Tanglewood Camp Youth Hunt.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Cool Bobcat Pix

Jeremy Wright of Winnsboro, Mississippi, found this when he checked his camera today. A great pix of a bobcat.  We all have to eat in our great Mississippi outdoors!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Savannah Gets Her First Deer

Hyler Krebs is so proud of his daughter, Savannah, getting her first deer. He said, "Not bad for a Coast girl." Fishing, Hunting, loving every minute of it. BLESSED.


I'm so proud of you Savannah!  Way to go in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Buck Tree

Wife, Jessie:
My husband killed all these deer in Mississippi over the years. He came dragging this tree in the house and I thought what on earth. Then he started putting the horns on. After he finished I loved it. The wood-carved turkey was a gift from our son.

I love you, Terry Joe Burgess. 34 years and more to come.

It's different and I love it too! Cool!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

American Melody Plus Two

Today, three riverboats the American Melody pictured above, made its inaugural season this year, were at our waterfront today with American Jazz and American Countess.  Tomorrow, the Queen of the Mississippi will be here with the American Queen, and the American Dutchess coming Friday. Vicksburg:  The Key To The South!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Vicksburg - A Diamond In The Rough

Photo by RickJames Bish on October 7, 2019.

(I was born, raised, and never left home.  I'm 80 years old now and can relate to a recent article in our paper, The Vicksburg Post).

Growing up in Vicksburg, I have seen the community evolve. 

I remember a thriving downtown as well as living through its sluggishness.  And now with the revitalization efforts being made, while it isn't the downtown of the 1960s, I see it once again blossoming.

The dining options in Vicksburg have taken on a new look.  While some folks live here bellyache about the lack of chain restaurants, I remember when the only one in town was the Dog N' Suds.

Chains now include Chick-fil-A, McDonald's, and Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Can you believe there was a time Vicksburg didn't have a Walmart?

How did we ever get along?

Like other small towns, Vicksburg has experienced economic struggles, but it hasn't kept us down.

Maybe it's because of our history.  Vicksburg is a community representative of many ethnic groups who arrived looking for a better life, and the River City offered opportunities.

Vicksburg is still evolving and it's exciting.  A couple of weeks ago, I attended a Vicksburg-Warren County Chamber of Commerce luncheon and was enthralled by what I heard.

Ed Gardner, the Director of Business and Economic Development for Entergy Mississippi, Inc. and served as the speaker for the lunch, praises the efforts being made in Warren County to attract new businesses.

He pointed out with ERDC, Hinds Community College, Alcorn, I-20, a major bridge, a Class 1 railroad, the electrical transmission lines located here along with the development of the new MCITy and efforts being made for the port development, Vicksburg could have the potential of garnering billion-dollar projects.

I don't know about you, but my ears perked up when I heard that dollar amount.

While in my opinion, Vicksburg has always been a lovely place to live, I have always felt the city was a diamond in the rough.

But with a little polishing up, it could shine brighter than ever before.

By Terri Cowart Frazier (NEWSROOM)

Friday, November 12, 2021

AWESOME HEART SHOT....Ravin Crossbow vs Whitetail Buck

THE WATER HOLE BUCK: Solo hunter and videographer Tod Bound records himself shooting a trophy whitetail buck with the Ravin R10 crossbow. In this video, a bolt, from the 400 feet per second Ravin crossbow, passes completely through a mature whitetail buck for a quick clean harvest. Tod demonstrates how a perfectly placed shot can put a whitetail down in less than 20 seconds. This hunt takes place at a small pond in rural Illinois. Equipment used: Ravin R10 crossbow, Nikon Aculon rangefinder, Mavic Pro drone, Canon XA30 video camera.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Happy 58th Birthday Theresa Marie

I'm wishing my first-born daughter, Theresa Bryant, a very Happy 58th Birthday today! A proud Mom getting ready to take her home, and when she graduated from St. Aloysius High School in the Class of 1981. She gave me my first granddaughter, Sonya who also served our country in the U. S. Navy. Wishing "Teri" a very Happy Birthday, and I love you so much!


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Three Riverboats In Town Today

The American Queen was southbound this evening to Natchez after spending the day in our historic civil war town of Vicksburg, MS. Also, riverboats, the Queen of the Mississippi, and the American Duchess were here as well with their passengers touring our city. Vicksburg: The Key To The South! 


Queen of Mississippi - American Queen and American Duchess!

Danny K

Queen of the Mississippi

Queen of the Mississippi and American Duchess

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Bobcat Kill

Sunday afternoon my Great Grandson Ian was hunting with his Mom while her hubby, Jamie, and Cole were hunting in another area when a bobcat came out. Cole did not want to shoot it but Jamie did. Here are a couple of pictures of Ian holding the bobcat and Cole (his cousin) sharing the kill.