Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Spook!

My granddaughter, Victoria Leigh "Spook," is 19 years old today on Halloween. She is here with her boyfriend, Jamie. Wishing you a very Happy Halloween Birthday sweetie!
I love you, Gran Gran

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pics of Dave's Elk Hunt

A group picture of the men attending the 2007 Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America (COFA) Elk Hunt. Dave is the second one on the back row, going right to left, in the white tee shirt and glasses.

One happy COFA Elk hunter!

Some more beautiful scenery in CO.

The Cat Encounter

David said that since his "encounter" with a magnificent cat last week on his Elk hunt, he found this to be an interesting read on wildlife and environmental issues hosted by American Trails. He intended to do a great deal more studying on this subject before venturing into the back country again......

D. Robert (Dave) Quick QUOTE:
"Lord, please help me to be just half the man my dog thinks I am"...
Don't tell GOD how big your storm is.
Tell the storm how Big your GOD is!

Monday, October 29, 2007


Since I had a YouTube video of a cute little boy and his dog that I posted on October 26, 2007, I wanted to share my first dog with you. In the photo above, I must have been about 10 or 11 years old when this picture of Skippy and I was taken by one of my parents. (I actually remember posing for this picture on the side of our house next to our driveway). Skippy lived with us for approximately 14 years. I remembered that Skippy would always run out in the street and bark at cars and trucks and I was afraid one day he would get hurt or killed. We actually lived on one of the main streets that comes into Vicksburg and approximately seven blocks from town. Skippy would wait on the porch steps everyday for me when I got off the city bus from school. We really had some fun times together. Skippy was a Boston Terrier and was a good dog to my sister, brother and I. One day, as I had predicted, he got out in the street and got hit by an 18-wheeler. He had barked at vehicles for so long and by this time he was having problems seeing. I remember all of us burying him in our backyard. It is always heart-breaking to lose your family dog or cat, which is an experience we all have to go through one day. They are like family members.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

David's Colorado Elk Hunt

Sunday Morning Church Services

Bear tracks at the privy!!

Tracks from the cougar who wanted me!!!!
(Note the tail marks in the snow....)

The bear who wanted my bratwursts....

Here are some incredible and beautiful pictures that was sent to me over the weekend via e-mail from David, "IronKnees" a friend of mine, whom I met about 8 years ago thru the Internet. David is a retired airline pilot and lives in Indiana with his wife Becky. He has hunted elk, wild boar and deer. He is also an expert on reloading bullets and you can checkout his website at Handloading for Hunting.

David and his friends recently returned from a Colorado elk hunt with the Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America (COFA). He quotes, "We had spring, summer, winter, fall, and hurricane force winds". It was truly a life changing experience... Especially the part about singled out and stalked by the mountain lion which I'm now convinced was going on for a few days...
He has given me permission to share these photos with you. Will have some more to bring you during the week as he shares more of his rewarding Colorado elk hunt with me.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Southern Heritage Air Show

This is a cool picture from the Vicksburg Evening Post of the Aeroshell Aerbotic Team doing a barrel roll above the Mississippi River yesterday as they prepare to perform in the Southern Heritage Air Show, set for today. The photo was taken from the passenger seat in the cockpit of team member, who was flying the right-wing position of a diamond formation. The show is from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Vicksburg-Tallulah Regional Airport in Mound, LA. I actually saw this formation from our back porch yesterday evening as they flew over our house. So cool! It is a beautiful day for this event and the skies of Vicksburg will be a-buzzing with planes!

Happy 38th Birthday Debra!

My daughter, Debra Ann, is celebrating her 38th Birthday today. She is pictured here with her boyfriend, John, who is an avid deer hunter. Debra had accompanied John on some of his hunting trips. You never know, one day Debra may be a lady hunter like her Mom. Hope you have a wonderful and Happy Birthday Debra! I love you, Mom :)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Hunting With My Grandsons!

Bob took this picture of Stephen and I, at Homewood Hunting Club in Claiborne County, back in December 2005. I really enjoy taking my grandsons hunting with me. Stephen is the oldest and will be 18 next month. Carlton "Carl" is 17 now and Michael "Ethan" is 13 years old. Stephen has harvested a nice 8 pt. and doe and Carl a nice 5 pt. Ethan has been invited to the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club in the Mississippi Delta for a Youth Hunt in a few weeks. Hopefully, Ethan will get his first deer. I took Ethan last year hunting the weekend of Youth Hunt to my camp at Jasper Bottom in Claiborne County, but no luck! We are hoping his luck will change this year. I feel very fortunate and proud to be able to take my grandsons hunting with me and to teach them hunting skills. It is an experience that I would not trade for anything in the world. One day I hope they will look back and have fond memories of their Grandmother "Gran Gran" taking them hunting! This has to be a sweetthing!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fantasy Whitetails!

Fantasy Whitetails is an online hunting game that I got involved in last year while posting at The Huntin Lodge. It is now a few weeks into it and as they predict it will get your blood pumping with non-stop trophy whitetail action. This is your chance to chase trophy whitetails around the country as if you were hunting them yourself. You just sign up with a user name and password and you are on your way to the season of a lifetime. They give aways prizes and 1st place is a Fully Guided Spring Turkey Hunt at Kansas Whitetail Adventures, 2nd place is a 2 Person Duck or Predator Hunt at Kansas Whitetail Adventures, 3rd place a Fantasy Whitetails T-Shirt and Cap, 4th place a Fantasy Whitetails Cap and 5th Place a Fantasy Whitetails T-Shirt. It's all in fun and of course you have rules to go by. If you are interested, go over and check it out. I actually have a camp you can join which is"Jasper Bottom" and my password is huntress or you can make up your own camp. Have fun hunting!

The Killed Deer

The deer in a woods a-bounding went; The hunter a bullet quickly spent; The deer fell dead, And the hunter said, "That bullet went straight as it was meant."
There's a lot in this if you'll think it o'er, And the more you think it, the more and more; Had the bullet missed, And behind it hissed, The deer would be bounding as before.
__Hulda Fetzer.
This is for Rex over at Deer Camp Blog - Sorry Rex, I had to borrow some poetry!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Halloween Hangman!

With Halloween just around the corner and if you don't have anything to do, you can play Halloween Hangman for fun. Enjoy!

A Quote from Black Elk

I received this card from a family member recently in my recovery. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico and I wanted to share it with you. I just love the Southwestern feel of things!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

FS Huntress

I want to introduce you to Kim Hiss, who is an associate editor at Field & Stream, a lady hunter who has hunted ducks, antelope, turkeys, and deer throughout the country, enjoying a number of women's hunts along the way. Kim lives in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Take time to go over to her blog at FShuntress and read about her adventures and welcome her. It's so refreshing to meet other lady hunters in our great outdoors!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Fallen MS Deer Hunter

An article taken from the Vicksburg Evening Post on Tuesday, October 10, 2007.

A Utica man, described as a hard worker and family man, was found dead after apparently falling from a deer stand while hunting said Hinds County Deputy Coroner Sammy White.

James Michael “Joe” Sigrest, 58, of Reedtown Road, was bow hunting on property he owned off Chatman Road south of Utica. He was believe to have been alone. His stepson, Scott Dooley, found his body at about 7:30 p.m. White said. His death was caused by blunt trauma to the head, he added.

“The tree stand was about 15 feet from the ground,” White said.

Dooley said that his stepfather died doing what he loved.

“He was an avid bow hunter,” he said. “He enjoyed all the things outdoors that nature has to offer.”

Sigrest had been retired from U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for three years. While retired, he spent time hunting and working on the family farm, Dooley said. He also spent time teaching his seven grandchildren about the outdoors.

“He was a hard worker and had a great love for his family,” Dooley said.

In addition to his stepson and grandchildren, Sigrest is survived by his wife of 27 years, Pat Sigrest; stepson, David Dooley; and step daughter, Paige Turbbille.

It’s so sad to read about a deer hunter’s tragedy which could have been prevented if he had only been wearing his safety belt. The fact that he was hunting alone is another issue. You need to have a hunting buddy with you, if possible. My husband was lucky to have had his safety belt on when he fell from his tree stand some 15 feet above the ground. One of the wells broke from his “Big Man” tree climber. He lost his balance and was slammed up against the tree he was hunting out of. He broke his first and secondary ribs, knocked his tooth loose, which he later lost, and wrenched his back. He is alive today because he had his safety belt on and the fact that he was hunting with a hunting buddy who was not far from him and heard the noise. You need to take safety precautions while hunting and make sure your equipment is in good condition and wear your safety belt! It will save your life!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Slide Show!

A slide show of my friend Larry Shemelia (4 pointer) and his brother (jerseyhunter) at The Huntin Lodge on MySpace.

Bill Jordan Hunts Texas

Just getting excited thinking about deer hunting. Want be long now. :) I wanted to share a good hunt by Bill Jordan who is one of my friends on my MySpace! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hunting for Ladies Only!

A great article posted by Lowcountry Hunting today about her cousin Beth Rivers, who owns Lindsey Hunting Club for Ladies, in Brunson, Hampton County, SC. This is my kind of deer camp! Please go over and check it out.

More Pics of Santa Fe!

I took this picture of a rain shower in the distance that was headed our way. The scenery was ever changing and spectacular at all times. In the distance here is Los Alamos, NM. This is where the Los Alamos National Laboratory is located and where Little Boy and Fat Man atomic bombs were made and exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectfully. Bob and I toured this laboratory about eight years ago while visiting with our family. We later went higher into the mountains where it had snowed and came into a vast open area and was able to see groups of elk grazing. It was totally awesome!

I thought this was so cool of a Raven with a turquoise in its mouth! He was perched on their adobe mantel in the family room.

I took this picture of Bob soaking in the vastness of the scenery from the front doorway. It was so breathtaking. Everywhere you looked at you were in awed. Charming, Just Charming!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Back home this evening from the hospital and will have to take it easy. Can't drive for two weeks so will have to depend on my friends to help me. I'm so fortunate to have a lot of friends and of course my daughters. Thanks again for all your kind words of encourgement. It means a lot to me. Thank you Rex for checking on me at the hospital and for adding my comments.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Will be offline for a few days due to hospitalization. Marian

Sunday, October 14, 2007

More Pics of Emma!

Dennis took this picture of us all together (three generations) on the day I missed my plane.

Caught this cute yawn while waiting to see if I would be able to depart after I had missed my plane last Tuesday. It is a good thing that my sister-in-law works for a travel agent in Phoenix, AZ, and had arranged my plane tickets and my son-in-law works for the FAA in Washington, DC. I told them to please handle it and I would get on a plane when they had worked it all out for me.

I just got through feeding her a bottle and she fell asleep in my arms. She looks like a little angel! She is a very sweetthing! I miss her already.

Little Miss Emma in her new LSU outfit. How cute is that! She is saying....Go Tigers!! Dennis is a big LSU fan and was born and raised in Louisiana.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Emma's Home

Emma soaking in all the love and attention that Mama and Daddy can give her. What a lucky little girl!

Here Emma and I are having a one on one conversation and it got pretty serious. She is such a living doll! She likes her little "Bunny Bear" that I sent her after she was born that is in her changing table.
I love the look of the back of their home. Dennis has two garden boxes where he's planted his vegetables, which is located to the far right. He is a gourmet cook and while there one night made homemade vegetable soup from his garden. It was so delicious. They will be adding a new deck to their home within a year.

I took this picture of their home after I saw the geese flying over. They have lived in Fredericksburg for approximately five years now. They really like the area.

While in the great outdoors getting some fresh air, I heard this honking and looked up and snapped this picture of Canadian Geese flying over the house. It was four of them all together and only got three in my camera. After I took this shot, they went into a "V" formation. Pretty cool!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Baby Emma

Here is Emma giving her Gran Gran a big smile! She likes to have her picture taken and she was so glad to see me! :)

My youngest daughter Suzi...she is a very good Mother!

Dennis is a very proud and protective Daddy of his new baby girl.

As soon as I got off the plane and saw my new granddaugher, my daughter asked me if I wanted to feed her before we left the airport to head to Fredericksburg. Of course, I jumped with joy! This was the first of many feedings. It was a very sweetthing!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Home Again, Home Again

Well, it was an interesting day getting back home. I arose at 2:00 a.m. central time...3:00 a.m. their time and started getting ready. Did I want to miss another plane? No way! Got there around 5:45 since my plane was going to be leaving at 7:05. Made the flight....and flew into Memphis. Only had less than one hour layover. So I went straight to my gate. They announced before we got on the plane that the laboratory was broken and we had better go to the bathroom before we boarded the when I get to my window seat, a young girl was sitting in my seat and she said that she thought that was her seat and she gets sick if she sits on the aisle..I let her sit there because I just wanted to get freakin home. Whatever! So we take off. As we were climbing and maybe 10 minutes or so into the flight we hear on the intercom from the stewardess that there is an emergency and about that time I thought...this was it! She said that we had to return back to the Memphis Airport because someone on board was sick. So we landed and saw a fire truck, EM T's and an ambulance. Eight people boarded to check this lady out. She was able to walk off the plane and then transported to a Memphis hospital. So we took off again....Thanks goodness we landed in Jackson. I was so glad to get home...NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

I had a real nice lady hunter by the name of Cathy Smith to come by my site and leave a comment. She is from Sault Ste. Marie, MI. When you have time, go over and check out her site at Camp Chicken Chronicles. You have to love her deer stands/shacks! They are so cool!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Two minutes too late!

Well, here I sit in Fredericksburg, VA. Missed my flight out this morning in Richmond and had to make other flight arrangements to come home early in the morning. The good thing is that it allowed me an extra day to spend with my new granddaughter and family. Just one of those things that happens! Hope to be back online either tomorrow night or Thursday morning. See ya then!
PS: Rex...dead deer! :)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Hello from Virginia!

I am having a wonderful time with my new granddaughter, Emma. She is so sweet and so pretty. It will be hard to leave her. I know it is coming, but enjoying every moment I can with her. She smiles all the time and makes cute little sounds and she has found one of her hands. She is knocking her self out with it. The family is feeding me good. Dennis is a gourmet cook and I look forward to all his evening meals. He works for the FAA in Washington, DC and has taken the day off. Monday is a Government holiday and Tuesday they will take me back to the airport in Richmond. The weather has been much like Mississippi weather. Last two mornings has been very foggy tho.

Thanks Rex for slipping in and leaving a post. Hopefully, my deer stand will be the one I can harvest Thunderhoof off of or I just may let it pass and let you get it! LOL

PS: What are friends for! :)

What to do? What to do?

While Marian is off globe-trotting again, I though I would slip in here to her blog and ask her readers what I should do about putting her on a deer stand? The famous Christmas Place has a bunch of big bucks this year but you still have to figure out the best place to get a shot from. I would love for her to get a massive buck this year, but I have to decide on a stand that she can get in, see deer and have a great chance at old Mossy Horns. Hmmmm.... The best choices are the new Scenic Stand, the Sneaky Stand, North Cornfield Box Stand, or maybe Spike Camp.
Hmmm... no one has hunted Spike Camp very hard lately, the Sneaky Stand is very damn sneaky, Hmmm... Y'all decide. She is a heck of a friend and I sure want her to get a really nice buck.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Going to Virginia!

Will not be posting for awhile...flying out in the morning to see my newest granddaughter, Emma Claire, in Fredericksburg, VA. She is three months old now. In this picture she was only two weeks old. I may post from there...if I get a chance. Marian :)

More Art & Pictures

Rex - this sheds for was found on their Cerro Bonito Ranch outside Las Vegas, NM.

My step-daughter Karen....

A statue of a little boy saying, "Jump Frog"...