Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Bridge in Canada

“Greetings, all you avid Hunters out there!
Y’all need to see this one for yourselves!!”

This is the actual turn-off From Banff, Alberta, Canada to the #1 highway to Calgary.
Great picture isn't it?

They had to build the animals (especially the elk) their own crossing because that was where the natural crossing was and after the highway was built there were far too many accidents. It didn't take the animals long to learn that this was their very own bridge!
And then you have some people saying: “Animals are stupid.” Really....?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Sam

Sam is one of my dance instructors at the Senior Center here in Vicksburg. This picture was taken of us this past December at our Christmas Dance held at the Battlefield Inn. Sam is 59 years old today and I want to wish him a very Happy Birthday! :)

Antarctica Frozen Wave Pics

Is this amazing..or what? Nature is amazing! The water froze the instant the wave broke through the ice. That's what it is like in Antarctica where it is the coldest weather in decades.

(So much for 'Global Warming')

Water freezes the instant it comes in contact with the air. The temperature of the water is already some degrees below freezing.

Having the Internet means that we've gotten to see something wonderful, which we might never have seen otherwise!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

How About Some More Smiles!!!!

"Uh, cat? What cat?"

There's no explaining Love.



"Hi! Will you be my friends?!"

Mad Skills....

The good thing about working here - If you need assistance smiling, there's always help!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

If I Can, You Can!

LIVING THE DREAM (per Clay Dyer)
Determination: Have a passion for your vision that is contagious Resources: Focus on the resources available rather than what is missing
Effort: High goals equal high motivation equal high effort
Attitude: Positive results flow from a positive attitude
Motivation: See your dreams through when you feel like quitting
Success: When you live your dream you are successful regardless of the outcome
According to his bio, Clay Dyer was born on May 23, 1978, without any lower limbs, no arm on the left side and a partial arm on the right. However, these limitations did not dampen his determination and positive spirit.
He started fishing at age 5 and began tournament fishing at age 15. Highly competitive, Clay has not allowed his physical disabilities to be an obstacle earning the respect of his fellow anglers on the pro circuit. A professional angler since 1995, Clay has fished in more than 200 bass tournaments and placed first in approximately 20 state bass tournaments.
During his free time, Clay is the national spokesperson for C.A.S.T for kids and is a fishing guide for disabled and terminally ill children through the United Special Sportsmen Alliance. Clay spends part of his time sharing his life experiences through motivational and leadership presentations to various companies, charities and churches. Clay’s television appearances include ESPN, Fox, CNN Headline News, the Outdoor Life Network, The Outdoor Channel, Fox Sports South, Charter Sports South, and CBS. Published articles about Clay have appeared in USA Today, Newsweek, BassMaster, FLW Outdoors Magazine, Sports Spectrum Magazine, and the Baptist Standard.

Fishing can be an inspiration…..We have no room to complain.
Watch this! Next time I start to complain about something, I'm going to remember
Clay Dyer.
Click on this link and turn up volume!
He is the real iron man!!! WOW!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Your Smile For Today :)

Par-tay, Par-tay, Par-tay!

"Harlem Globetrotters here I come"

"Ahhh, the fresh, relaxing aroma of feet......."

How to tell when its time to make your kids sleep in their own bed....

"I swear a Big Doberman busted in and just tore the place up...."

"Aggghhhh! Someone dial 911, I'm being mauled by a troll!"

Memorial Day

Memorial Day Comments
Memorial Day Comments ~ Myspace Comments

"We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing," by Michael at MySpace.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

First Birthday Today!

Happy Birthday to my Great Grandson, Tidus David!
Tidus lives in Great Lakes, IL, with his Mom and Dad and had a big party to celebrate his first birthday today! What a sweetthing!

Surface Computing?

It was surely only a matter of time before this phenomenon appeared. Of course, who else to produce it but our innovative buddy, Bill Gates, and “Microsoft.” This is really neat, and was sent by a friend. This is a sweetthing!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dave's Deer

I have an Internet friend, Dave (IronKnees), who lives in Indiana and has a cam on his hunting property. Occasionally, he will send me pictures of his shots. Here are two he sent me recently. He said, "I got one of the best pictures I've ever had in the woods today and one of the does who clearly has not had her fawns yet." Dave

D. Robert (Dave) Quick
QUOTE: "Lord, please help me to be just half the man
my dog thinks I am"...
Don't tell GOD how big your storm is.
Tell the storm how Big your GOD is!

Friday, May 23, 2008

SUV To Model T

Bill, my cousin who lives in Memphis, TN, and an account by trade but also a well known harpist, was recently on Channel 5 Memphis, CNN New York, ABC, NBC changing from his SUV to his Model-T "Leaping Lizzie" due to high gas prices. He said he had even gotten calls from friends as far away from the country of Turkey.

This Motel-T was on my grandmother's side of the family. Her Brother (Bill's Grandfather) bought it back in 1922. I rode in it with my Uncle Clyde in Chaffee, MO, before it was sold back to Bill. We had a blast going through town while my Uncle blew the horn. Everybody was looking at us. It was so cool and jumpy!
Click here to see the video and read all about Bill and his Model-T Ford. Charming, Just Charming!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Riding To The Wall

After we left the hospital Monday from Bob having a colon procedure, we noticed more than one helicopter flying overhead. We had stopped to get an ice cream cone at McDonald's and headed for the MS River overlook to watched the river traffic. Well, I noticed one of the helicopters hovering ahead through the trees in front of us. So we left to investigate. Did not know what was going on. People were standing looking out over the Interstate bridge and at the MS Welcome Center. By that time two helicopters were hovering over us as we drove past. The next day we saw what the commotion was about in the Vicksburg Post. It was the bikers crossing the Interstate 20 bridge over the MS River after gathering in Tallulah for the Mississippi leg of their cross-country annual Run For The Wall honoring those currently serving in the military and those killed in war. Above is Randy Lackey of Crystal Springs, MS, preparing to leave the Welcome Center with other bikers. The annual run began in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, and ends on Memorial Day weekend in Washington, D.C., where riders participate in Rolling Thunder, and event in which about 350,000 bikers ride from the Pentagon to the Vietnam Wall. About 500 bikers participated here Monday, said Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace. This is an truly an honorable sweetthing!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cool Pictures!

“…And for all the “shutter-bugs”
amongst us…”
…Here are a few really interesting photos.
(Click on pictures to see up close)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lim by Hershel Howell

Yesterday, Bob and I received a book from Publish America of Lim, which was written by Herschel Howell and dedicated to his late wife, Peggy. It tells the exciting adventures of a hard-drinking gambler, Limbrick Appleton, better known as Lim, whose peculiarly eccentric theory of life was: It’s alright to work with your hands as long as it’s dealing poker or using a shovel to look for buried treasures. It’s a touching, yet sometimes humorous, love story of his two young treasure-hunting partners, Bubba and Stella, and Lim as they search for a Confederate treasure lost more than a hundred years ago during the Union Siege of Vicksburg.

The story also deals with the effects of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s on both white and black, and with the rejuvenation of a long ago jilted romance of the Mississippi gambler. Is it ever too late to start over?

Hershel Howell and Rex. (Photo taken by Marian)

Hershel acknowledges his daughter-in-laws, Wanda and Shelley in their encouragement and advice which was invaluable. Also to his son Rex, for his continued encouragement, and use of his office and equipment. His advice and writing ability was such a great help, he said.

We all know what a great writer Rex is over at Deer Camp Blog and hope one day he will follow in his Dad's footsteps and write his own book. I started reading it last night and I'm looking forward to getting it officially autograph soon by Hershel Howell himself. Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your story with us Mr. Howell!
Charming, Just Charming!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Omega Chapter, PAK

Bobby and Myrtle (Class of 1959) will soon be getting married on June 21, 2008, at St. Michael Catholic Church. Wishing them a long, happy and blessed marriage! Congratulations!

Barbara of Dixieland Realtors preparing a drink.

Pat enjoying a beer poolside.

Vera (Class of 1959) with her hubby George.

Willie and Andrea (Class of 1958). Andrea was related to me by my first marriage.

Lady of the House, Alice with Chuck who I used to work with at COE.

Connie with her hubby Homer enjoying the party.

Chuck and wife Frances with my good friend Joan getting ready to have a glass of wine!

Katherine's husband, Roy, (Class of 1959).

Katherine, our President (Class of 1959)

Last Friday evening our sorority, Pi Alpha Kappa Sorority, hosted our last meeting/end-of-season pool party at Alice's lovely home. In September we will resume our meetings. I really enjoy our monthly social meetings and we all take turns hosting each month with two to three co-hostesses to help out with food/beverages. I have been a member for over 15 years or so. Here are some picture of us having a great time. At the end of the party, gifts were given out and my secret sister gave me a really nice pole/flag with beautiful birds on it. Can't wait to get it up. I want know who she is until our Christmas Party this December. It's so much fun receiving gifts all year long and trying to guess who it is. Here are a few pictures of our fun evening together. (Would you believe I forgot to get someone to take my picture). I'm also in charge of our photo albums and take pictures of different occasions like Founders Day, Christmas Parties, etc. I have served as Secretary several times and Treasurer once. Not pictured, Ina and myself. Not present, Olivia, Anita (Class of 1958), Chris, June and Cindy. This is a sweetthing!