Around 11:00 we will be leaving to head back down to my camp, Jasper Bottom, to try again to harvest a turkey. My camp is approximatly 400 acres and borders on the right by the Big Black River. The river is very high now and is flooding the back right side of the camp. So we are concentraing on the top field which at one time was a huge open field that was planted in soybeans. ATCO came in and planted trees there - so imagine a big square box with a levee enclosing the entire field. When you go over the levee on the left it's Mill Pond Hunting Club and if you go over the levee on the backside, it is Homewood Hunting Club and to the right is the Big Black River. Another hunting club is across the river from us. We will be concentrating now on the right backside field (F4) stand pictured above. There is a small creek bed that runs the length of the levee on the right side and that's swollen now. Hopefully, we can walk the length of that to get to this stand. Yesterday, we walked the left side, then the backside to get to it. We saw a lot of animal tracks, plus a huge snake sign that had slither in the smooth mud. We also saw a lot of crawfish mud holes.
Check back later on today's turkey hunt and hopefully we will see and get the huge turkey that made the tracks that I posted yesterday!
My backyard is full of those crawdad holes! Amazing little constructions really.