Thursday, July 07, 2011

My Honey Hole!

Every Thursday I will be sharing a hunting story by Tim Elsey from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  He is a Facebook friend of mine and will be going back in time putting his hunting memories down on paper. I will be posting them here on my site until he runs out of paper or memories, whichever comes first.  Enjoy! 

My Honey Hole!

I have hunted deer for years now and was never really a trophy hunter. I always hunted for meat and the thrill of just being in the great outdoors.

It was opening day in November, general deer season of 1999 and it was typical Manitoba weather cold and lots of snow.

My father and I did our usual, prepared our coffee and sandwiches then headed out to our favorite honey hole we have hunted for years.  We were about half way to our spot when we came across a local outfitter.  His vehicle was broken down and he had four clients from Europe with him.  He asked us if we could do him a favor by giving him and his clients a lift down to their hunting spots.  Of course, we said, "hop in the back of the truck,” even though it was a bit out of our way. I didn't mind because the look on their faces, getting them to their hunting spot was greatly appreciated. The thanks we received from them was worth it and I know how I would feel if someone did the same for me.

We arrived back to where we parked our truck and it was about a half hour later than we would have been.  We still had time to set up because it was still dark out.

I got my father to his hunting spot and put out his scents and set him on a ridge. We had scouted out before and it had lots of deer signs and good scrapes.  We wished each other luck and I left for my spot which was about a quarter mile away.  I was starting to build up quite a sweat. So, on my way to my spot I stopped back at the truck to change some of my wet clothes and sprayed myself down with No Scent.  It was starting to get light out now and I was trying to get to my honey hole as quickly and quietly as possible.

I came across another hunter, who I recognized and had chatted with him in previous years, who hunted the same woods.  I was pressed for time to get to my spot and the sun was rising fast. But, I am a pretty friendly guy and chatted with him for a few minutes and then he went on his way.

I am finally to my spot when a bush chicken (ruffed grouse) burst out of the brush, a foot away from me, almost giving me a heart attack, "HOLY MOLY!"  I said, “that always happens when I least expect it ha ha ha" :).

About an hour goes by and I heard something coming through the bush. My heart started to pound, when out pops this little red fox, hunting for food going through the fallen trees. In and out, he walks right beside where I am sitting and stares right at me. With no fear, he just kept going on his way.  Not long after the little fox left I heard something coming back from where the fox went.  Thinking to myself, I wonder if it’s that fox coming back, then suddenly in the corner of my eye, I see a huge deer go pass the trees not knowing yet if it is a buck or a doe.  Now, my heart was really pounding, waiting with much excitement to see what is coming towards me.

Like a ghost, the deer appears ten yards beside me! Then what I saw was a huge rack and I started to shake like the first time I went deer hunting years earlier.  The buck then lifted his head from the ground, took a huge sniff of the air and took two more steps.  I slowly raised my gun, aimed right at the bucks heart, took a breath and fired BANG!  The deer jumped and ran into the bush and over a large ridge. I knew he was down by the sound of the crash he had made. I waited for only five minutes, my heart still pounding.  I went to find him and got to the top of the ridge and look down and half way, there he was! :). 

I saw the buck and was amazed at the size of the body and the rack.  I put my gun down by a tree and picked up his head, said to myself, "this is so awesome what a magnificent buck!"  Then I heard footsteps coming from the top of the ridge thinking, that's got to be my father coming to see what I’ve shot but it wasn't, it was another huge buck with a huge rack on him.  Stunned at the size of the deer, I looked for my gun but it was five feet away from me, so, I just looked at him with awe.  Then the deer let out a loud snort and quickly he appeared and then he was gone. I said, "Maybe we’ll meet again next year!"

I started to drag my deer to the top of the ridge, when I heard my Father’s voice say, "Tim are you there?" I said, "Over here Dad!" His next words out of his mouth were "WOW, PRAISE THE LORD, THAT'S A HUGE DEER!" :) I laughed and said, "There was another huge deer here just minutes ago."  “That's too bad you could not get a shot at that one too!”  “Oh well, I’m happy I shot this one!” :)  Then my father said, "God smiled on you today for the good deed you did for those hunters.”  “You’re probably right Dad…good things come to those who wait.” :)

Thank you!  I hope you liked my story.  :) 

Tim Elsey 

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