Friday, July 08, 2011

My Squirrelly Friend

My computer is set up in an extra back bedroom where I have a daybed and usually put my grand kids when they come for a sleep over.  We have pecky cypress shudders throughout our cypress home and I have my computer facing both windows and I can see off the back porch and into the backyard.  Every morning I open my shudders to see if my squirrelly friend will show up.  Our cat, Allie Cat, was outside and was surprised that my friend showed up at all.  He was keeping a watchful eye out on the cat I'm sure.  Here are a few pictures I was able to captured through the window as he was perched on the ledge yesterday!

Oh Yeah!  My nut is still there!
Checking to see where Allie Cat's at!

There she is!

Better get to higher ground!

As I was finishing up my posting...guess who showed up?  Allie Cat was still inside the house so this morning my squirrelly friend was more at ease.  I may post those pictures tomorrow.  :)


  1. I can't believe the hours of video I shot over the years of the antics of squirrels in our back yard.

    Early on, I got into a serious war with the squirrels, going as far as screwing in sheets of plastic on the walls of our deck, trying to keep the critters out of our bird feeders.

    Don't ever underestimate their intelligence and persistence. They finally won, when they discovered they could go up on the roof of our condo, and jump down from the eves onto the bird feeders.

    I finally learned that the only way to beat the squirrels was to move and not leave a forwarding address...

  2. I had to laugh-out-loud when you said you had to move and not leave a forwarding address...that was funny! They do put on a show for us and I gave up on feeding the birds a long time ago. My new young neighbors next to us have a nice feeder for birds that is SUPPOSE to be squirrel proof. I'm not sure if it works or or not. It has a metal round shield at the base of it so they can't crawl up it. Looks to me that it may work! I also have two squirrel feeders on the tree you see in the photo and also on a huge pine tree in the backyard. When I put feed in it they know how to open and close the box to get the food. Yes, they are very smart and cute! :)


Have a Blessed day and please come back! :)