Friday, September 01, 2017

RIP Harvey #126

My Facebook hunting friend, Kareen Beinhauer of Alpine, TX, took down a big hog early this morning at 1:05 and in her own words her hog story.  

I was out a little before 9:00 p.m. last night.  Javelinas came in and left and I even got to see a cow elk but I scared her off with the clicking of my camera on my phone. Pretty darn neat! Time went on and all of the Javelinas left and quite sometime later one lone javelina came in and left after about 15 minutes. At this point, I was getting frustrated because I did not kill one hog in August! I thought I was jinxed but then......I could hear hogs squealing in the creek and I could hear them coming and then I saw them. They came in and the feeding frenzy began and there was Harvey! I could not get a good shot at first and then they spooked and ran off and slowly came back in. I told myself to be patient, that Harvey would come back too and sure enough, he did. I finally got a clear shot at him and took it. At first, I thought I had missed as there was so much dirt flying around from the other hogs running off. But as the dirt settled I could see Harvey doing his death dance and let me tell you I was so excited!! He is pretty darn big. Roy (hubby) said he would even skin him out so I could take him to the taxidermist to get him mounted as I don't have a mounted hog head!! I hope I can sleep and as always, pictures will follow although they really don't do him justice. I almost couldn't get him set up because he is so heavy.

Harvey weighed in at 258 pounds, a good size for where she lives, she said.  She took him to headquarters where her husband got his head off and took it to a taxidermy.  This makes Kareen's #126 hog kill.  

Congratulations to Kareen on her BIG HOG (to be mounted) kill in the great state of Texas!  Awesomeness!

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