This is what I saw on my last morning hunt before we headed back to Vicksburg. I have never hunted this stand before but I knew of it. Bob hunted from it a few years ago and I hunted down and around the corner. This is the same stand that Brock saw a doe last Tuesday and was waiting for a buck to come in behind her. I left my hunting pack at the stand and took off exploring and looking around. To my right at the bottom of the hill was a feeder and around the corner a small lake. I also saw a fallen deer stand that I had hunted out of. It was shaky back then and I refused to get back in it for an afternoon hunt. I hunted on the ground in a blind and missed a nice 6 pt. that had stepped out.
Deer stand in view as I rounded the corner to leave...until next time!
that is a really pretty place.
Wow, really pretty there. Nothing like a good deer stand...you have to be comfortable I always say. The more comfortable you are, the longer you can sit still and the better chance you have...to fall asleep LOL, and miss a really nice deer.
Thanks Rex and Cathy...and what is extra nice about it...it is slap up against the Natchez Trace Parkway! The older I get the more I want to just stay on the ground and you can still see as good especially when you have a deer stand like this one to hunt out of! Did you say...fall asleep...I'm guilty of that also! It's so refreshing to have clean air around you and I also sleep better at night from the fresh air. Thanks for coming by my deer friends! Have a great weekend and good luck to you both on your deer stands this season! :)
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