My Facebook friend, Kareen Beinhauer from the great state of Texas, is a hog killing machine! Here is her story behind hog #149 and 13th for the year.
I started out to the storage feeder after 9:00 p.m. I was going to set up my one chair blind and come back for my rifle, flashlight, and phone since it was still daylight. As I rounded the corner and could see the storage feeders I saw a lone hog underneath the storage feeder eating. I could not believe it. I left my blind and went back to the house to get all of my stuff plus binoculars just to be sure it was not a deer but I was pretty sure it was a hog. It was! I sat down in my blind and took two shots and thought he would probably run off and this was probably a 75-yard shot. I saw him still standing off to the right so I took another shot and I thought I saw him go down and when I went and looked, there he was! Not a bad sized boar and #149 and 13th for the year Woo Hoo! I am so happy!
My congratulations to Kareen in our wild and wonderful Texas outdoors! Way to go girl and I'm so proud of you!
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Friday, June 29, 2018
Look Who's 9 Months Old!
My Great Grandson William David "Will" turned 9 months old yesterday. He will have a new little brother in October to play with him as they grow up together. He is such a sweet and precious little one! Will is my 3rd great-grandson with Tidus David living in Montana and Ian living here in Vicksburg. Tidus just turned 11 years old and Ian will be 11 on November 4th. I'm so fortunate and Blessed to have my fourth great-grandson coming this fall.
I love this photo of Will with his Mother (my granddaughter, Lucy) taken in SNAPCHAT. xoxo
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Paddles Up!
Last year, Boyce Upholt spent six weeks canoeing the Lower Mississippi River. I thought I would share his story of that trip with you today because it's definitely a good read. Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
2018 - 2019 Hunting Seasons Dates & Bag Limits
The dates and bag limits for the 2018 - 2019 hunting seasons are here!
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Two Hand Grabbers!
Jay Barrett of Rankin, Mississippi and his son, Jr. caught some fine catfish recently. Jay said it was not a bad day at all and came from a lake that the river feeds. He and his son were whooped after grabbing all seven of them. Jr. is 12 years old and his little helper.
Can you see that this little guy is really enjoying himself? (Fish were released alive). Dad is raising him right and sharing a lifetime legacy with his son in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!
Monday, June 25, 2018
Mr. Photogenic/The Freak
My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini has named this buck, The Freak who is turning into a Super Freak. He also calls him Mr. Photogenic as well.
He is going to be wild this year!
Who doesn't love, The Freak!
The Freak last season in Michigan where Mike lives and takes awesome pictures of deer --- Mike, The Deer Whisperer! Please stay tuned in our great wild and wonderful outdoors this coming season!
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Friday, June 22, 2018
A Bear Spotted Behind Walmart in MS

Johnathan Vanardo of Picayune, MS took a picture of this Bear that was spotted behind Walmart in town about two weeks ago. A few days later he got another picture of the bear or another one on Canal Street. He thinks there are a few on the move around town. The MS Department of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks stated they released multiple bears in the area all along the lower counties and along the coast. A cool shot in our great wild MS outdoors!
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Wishing Carl A Very Happy 28th Birthday!
It's hard to believe that this young handsome boy is 28 years old today. My Grandson Carl is celebrating his birthday in Wisconsin where he moved there a few years ago. He is shown here on top of a cannon in our Vicksburg National Military Park when he was very young.
Carl looking down a civil war cannon barrel after his picture was taken! A good thing it's not loaded!
Wishing my grandson a very Happy 28th Birthday today! I miss and love you so much! Gran Gran xoxo
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Happy 34th Birthday, Sonya Michelle
My first/oldest granddaughter, Sonya Michelle turns 34 years old today! She is shown here in a 2010 photo with her dog, Fenrir. I'm wishing her a very Happy Birthday and Blessed day! I love you so much! Gran Gran xoxo
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Monday, June 18, 2018
Bow Fishing For Gar
Michael Winningham (with beard) from my hometown of Vicksburg, MS, is showing off with his friends this huge gar they killed recently. What a monster weighing in at 145lbs. and 7 feet 2 inches long.
With a bow no less!
My congratulations to all involved in our wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Honoring Dad On Father's Day
I love this picture of my Dad, Marion E. Love, Sr., and myself taken in November 1986. Unfortunately, he died the following November of a heart attack while hitting the Wisconsin bridge abutment.
This was my very first deer (6-point buck) on opening day after a big thunderstorm. All the other hunters left and went home and we stayed. I initiated myself by slapping blood on my face after finding what appeared to be a lung-shot from where it had stood. I was on my deer stand only five minutes before it walked out from where I had just walked to my stand.
After leaving Jasper Bottom Hunting Club in Claiborne County, we went by my sister's home in Bovina, MS, where Dad was recuperating from being in the hospital and showed him my deer. He was so proud of me! He thanked my former husband for taking me and for teaching me how to hunt.
I love and miss you so much, Dad!
Saturday, June 16, 2018
"American Song" Ship Coming To Town Later This Year
My hometown of Vicksburg and also Natchez, Mississippi will be one of the ports of call on American Cruise Lines' New Orleans to Memphis cruise, aboard the line's newest cruise ship, American Song, starting October 6.
The New Orleans to Memphis cruises will be eight-days and seven nights with "daily shore excursion," in ports of call including New Orleans; Oak Alley, Louisiana; Baton Rouge; St. Francisville, Louisiana; Natchez with a stop at Frogmore Plantation, Vicksburg; Memphis.
The American Song is touted on the company's website as "The First of the New Modern Riverboats," with lounges 40 feet above the water and "triple the glass of other riverboats, offering astounding views," and a four-story, glass-enclosed atrium.
The American Song will accommodate 184 passengers.
After the maiden voyage, American Song will turn around on October 13 for a Memphis-to-New Orleans cruise and the cycle will continue.
"I think this is great," said Pablo Diaz, executive director of the Vicksburg-Warren Chamber of Commerce as he watched the Queen of the Mississippi, American Duchess, and America dock at the same time last November. "I think this is a glimpse of what's to come as the interest in the Mississippi River and Vicksburg grows and riverboat companies learn more about the changes going on in Vicksburg and plan more stops here. We will be a greater attraction once the river walk is completed."
(American Song, Queen of the Mississippi and American Duchess will dock in Vicksburg, MS on Wednesday, October 24, 2018)
(Queen of the Mississippi, American Queen and America will dock in Vicksburg, MS on Wednesday, October 31, 2018)
Friday, June 15, 2018
The American Queen Moored In Hometown Today
It was great to get down to the riverfront to see the American Queen moored today while her passengers toured our historic civil war town of Vicksburg, MS. I have been having mechanical problems with my truck for about three weeks and was liberating to finally get out and take pictures again. I took this picture one street above looking down towards the Children's Art Park at Catfish Row.
I found a cool shady spot to take this picture with the temps in the 90's today with a heat index of 103.
A full-size picture of the American Queen on a very hot day!
When I got ready to leave I'm looking at vehicles, people walking, two American Queen busses, a Kansas City Southern train and the American Queen showing off her smokestacks in the Yazoo Diversion Canal. She will return next Wednesday, June 20th.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Pond Bass #23
Looks like Carl Mallett from Wiggins, Mississippi had a nice catch of bass in a Stone County pond showing here a table full of 23 nice ones. I'm sure they were tasty in a cookout with family and friends in our great wild Mississippi outdoors. My congrats, Carl!
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Red Bellies
Danny Pertuit came home with some red bellies that he caught at Pearl River swamp where they go into any slew with running water. Just look out for snakes! I have never seen a red belly fish before.
A very nice catch with a meal to feed his whole family in our great wild Mississippi outdoors! Way to go Danny!
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Monday, June 11, 2018
Catch & Release
Lee Hayden's daughter of Past Christian, MS had a little luck over the weekend while fishing for bluegill. She was so happy to catch it but did not want to hold it. All she wanted was a quick picture, and to promptly let it go back home. My congratulations to this adorable little girl on a fine catch for the day and releasing it in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!
Saturday, June 09, 2018
Debbra's Very Nice Mount
Debbra Greenhaw Lyon from Cleveland, MS just received her mount back from the taxidermist, Ferrell & Company of Forest, MS. It was killed in Montgomery County, MS on December 29, 2017.
Congratulations to Debbra who is happily married with a young son on a very nice buck in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors!
Friday, June 08, 2018
Great Grandson & Turbo
My Great Grandson Ian just got a new haircut recently and is showing it off with his dog Turbo. He is growing up so fast and I'm so glad he lives here in my hometown of Vicksburg, MS. Ian lives in the country with his pet goats and chickens. He is also a deer hunter and I'm looking forward to the day when he gets his first deer with his Dad and hopefully, we will get a chance to hunt together as well. Ian is the second oldest of my three great-grandsons and will be 11 years old in November. Tidus David lives in Great Falls, Montana turning 11 years old last month and William David "Will" in Raymond, MS will be a year old in September. Looking forward to another great-grandson coming into this world in October. I'm truly Blessed.
Ian is looking so sharp and handsome with his new haircut! I love you so much and hope to see you soon! Great Gran Gran xoxo
Thursday, June 07, 2018
Regained His Desire!
Bryan Babin, Sr., of Long Beach, Mississippi said that his son Brock has regained his desire to go fishing. That is a heck of a fish for a little cooler though. My congratulations to Brock on a very nice catch in our great wild and wonderful Mississippi outdoors! I would definitely mount it!
Wednesday, June 06, 2018
Tuesday, June 05, 2018
A Bear In Town

A black bear was spotted about a mile outside of Winnfield during the weekend of May 26-27, then made its way into town, according to Winn Parish Sheriff Cranford Jordan. There were several sightings of the bear in town over the past week.
Jordan says the bear weighed around 350 to 400 pounds. The bear climbed into a tree in a Winnfield resident's yard Thursday night and stayed there until morning. A specialist from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries tranquilized the bear Friday afternoon, allowing it to be captured.
While the bear made its way into residents' yards and while there were several sightings throughout the week, the bear caused no major damage.
Jordan said it's the first time he can remember a bear within the city limits of Winnfield.
The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries will relocate the bear to another area away from people.
Louisiana black bears can grow up to six feet in length, according to information from the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Adult males weigh between 200 and 450 pounds (but can weigh more), and adult females weigh between 120 and 200 pounds.
Louisiana supports bear populations in the Tensas River area in the northern part of the state, the upper Atchafalaya River Basin in central Louisiana, and the coastal population in the southern Atchafalaya River Basin. Black bears, particularly dispersing males, can be found anywhere in Louisiana.
For more information on bear safety, click HERE.
Louisiana black bears are usually non-aggressive, retreating animals that are harmless to people unless provoked or threatened. Harming a black bear is against Louisiana law.
Monday, June 04, 2018
The Big 6
Cody Hudson of New Roads, Louisiana just got his 6-point-buck recently and said it scored 125. He killed it on Tillotson Farms in Bovina, Mississippi. A very nice looking 6-point-buck and I'm sure he will enjoy his mounted buck the rest of his life. Bovina is only about 20 minutes from Vicksburg and have hunted in Bovina area as well. It's great hunting ground not far from the Interstate 20 and my hometown of Vicksburg. My congrats to Cody and wishing him good hunting next season either in Louisiana or Mississippi.
Saturday, June 02, 2018
A Son's Nice Catch
Jessica McFall of Brookhaven, Mississippi is raising her son right while taking him fishing. She is married to her husband, Jason and is a stay at home Mom with her three amazing kids. My congratulations to her son and the really nice fish he caught in our great Mississippi wild and wonderful outdoors!
Meet the McFall Family!
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