A Dixie Lady Deer Hunter

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hunting Story

One cool November morning, two hunters take their biggest buck ever.

As they struggled to drag the monster buck back to their pickup, they were stopped by a game warden.
He asked to see their hunting licenses.
Assured that all was in order, the game warden wished them a good day, but offered some advice...
"If you men would pull from the front legs, instead of the back legs, the buck will glide easier in the leaves instead of going against the grain of fur. "
The hunters thanked the game warden and took his advice.
After about an hour of pulling the deer, the first hunter says to the other, "That game warden was a nice guy, and this deer is easier to pull."
The second hunter replies, "Yeah, but he wasn't all that smart..."
"We're getting further away from the truck."

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