One day last October Deb helped to coordinate an archery hunt at a regional park in Ramsey County. After recording the stand locations of 15 other archers in the park, she picked a spot that nobody else wanted to hunt.
Deb hung her stand near a little swamp and climbed up for a short evening hunt, hoping to bust a doe. Cattails rustled and a 10-pointer popped out. Deb bleated, and the buck closed to 50 yards.
More cattails crunched and a giant non-typical stormed onto the scene. The 10-pointer snort-wheezed, but quickly backed down. Deb bleated again and the gnarly giant came in. The 38-year-old veteran archer and mother of two calmly made the 17-yard shot.
Deb sent me this follow-up email the other day on her great buck:
Hey Mike: I had the official score done on December 26, 2006. The rack was measured by Dave Boland of Chatfield, MN, a veteran scorer for both P&Y and B&C. The buck had 24 scoreable points and scored 228 2/8 gross and 222 2/8 net. This is the #2 largest all-time non-typical archery kill for MN, and the #1 largest non-typical archery kill for a woman in North America. Thanks, Deb.
My prediction: No woman will ever top Deb's incredible buck, certainly never on park land in an urban environment. Truly a public-land giant for the ages.
good story!
She is one proud and lucky Lady Hunter!
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