A Dixie Lady Deer Hunter

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Last Night's 150th Grand Illumination

Last night the Vicksburg National Military Park's Sesquicentennial Grand Illumination was held.  I was lucky to be able to make the whole trip through the park which took close to two hours.  It was held from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.  You could not stop or exit your vehicle and had to keep moving about 5 or so miles an hour with your lights on. We had to stay alert for wildlife but saw no deer, hogs or turkeys that have been seen in our park. It was a very memorable and uplifting experience for me.  Could hear the cicada bugs and frogs loud and clear.  I went in close to 7:00 and came out around  8:45.  As I was exiting the park their were a mob of cars trying to get in and to view the illumination.  Below are some pictures that I took that turn out fairly well considering I was trying to drive and take pictures at the same time.  By the end of the tour you could really see the luminaries well with the led candles inside.  It was an awesome site!  Their were yellow bags and white bags throughout the park.

According to the brochures that was handed to me at the entrance, the luminaries were representing men who were killed, wounded, or missing were place at the state memorials - one luminary for each soldier from that state who was a casualty.  Of the 19,233 casualties, records could not determine the exact location for 2,228 confirmed casualties that could not be identified by state were dispersed though out the Grand Illumination in yellow bags to mark them as confirmed, but unidentified casualties.  No site had less than 100 luminaries.  The traditional white bag luminaries represented confirmed casualties honored at their state memorial.  In addition to state monuments, several sites were  selected to honor other casualties including the U. S. Colored Troops and the C. S. River Batteries.

"...we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground.  The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract."  
~Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address 

Memorial Arch

Minnesota Memorial

Michigan Memorial

Wisconsin Memorial

African American Monument

Maj. General Ulysses S. Grant's Headquarters

Rhode Island Monument

U.S. Navy Monument

Setting sun.

Nearing the USS Cairo Museum.

 The Yazoo River Diversion Canal.

Fort Hill

Tennessee Memorial

Missouri Memorial

Arkansas Memorial

Louisiana Memorial

Mississippi Memorial

Texas Monument


 Coming up on the Iowa Memorial.

Iowa Memorial

Trying to drive and take pictures...

Traffic jam at the entrance with people trying to get in to see the Grand Illumination.

Heading out...a wonderful experience.

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