Friday, March 29, 2019
A Monster Whitetail Nicknamed "King Kong"
Go hunting with Brock as he sets out to kill a monster whitetail that he's nicknamed "King Kong." Congratulations, Brock!
Thursday, March 28, 2019
A Rare White Turkey Killed In MS

He shot the bird on March 16 on his Kiln property and turkey season opened the day before. He has seen him on his camera last October and when he bought the property his neighbor said he'd seen a white gobbler out there before and been hanging around for three years.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The History of An Iconic Structure On Hills of Vicksburg
A picture of the historic Old Court House Museum that was built in 1858 and withstood the Siege of Vicksburg in 1863. It is an iconic structure on the hills of Vicksburg and encompasses one city block.
Below is a history lesson that was shared to me by Pat (a tour guide) of this historical building in our hometown that we all treasure.
If one were looking at the original plat of Vicksburg that Newitt had laid out, he or she would see that the block where the Old Court House Museum sits in the heart of the original town. It was chosen by our founder, Newitt Vick as the site for his townhouse. He had a vision and he wanted to see it come to fruition. When he realized he was not going to survive yellow fever, he made a deathbed will and bequeathed that block to the citizen of Vicksburg to be used for public purposes. (Should it ever not be used for such, the property would revert to his heirs.) Up until 1835, when Vicksburg became the County Seat of Warren County, it was used as parade and picnic grounds. In 1835, after becoming the County Seat of Warren County, a small wooden courthouse was built, which was finally outgrown. All the records were removed to another location for business in 1857, the building razed, and the building that stands today was built by 100 skilled slave artisans owned by the Weldon Brothers between 1858-1860. The building facade was brick which was whitewashed. It was stuccoed to look like stone in 1905.
Two civil war cannons abreast on the grounds of the Old Court House Museum.
I took this picture of one of three massive oak trees across from the Old Court House Museum on the grounds of the New Court House Museum.
A perfect place to sit and watch the world go by.
In the background, you can see part of the New Court House.
The dogwoods trees are almost in full bloom at the Old Court House Museum (a national historic landmark) that stands prominently on the hills of Vicksburg, MS.
Monday, March 25, 2019
River, Rails and Riverboats
The Grand American Queen was moored all day Saturday in the Yazoo Diversion Canal behind the Old Depot Museum for her passengers to tour our historic civil war town of Vicksburg, Mississippi.
When I arrived workers were busy laying down new railroad ties.
At one point the passengers had to wait for the workers to finish...
... so they could get on/off the ship
Working on the railroad while flooding has stopped...
...the north and southbound rail traffic.
Riverboats America arrived this past Thursday, American Duchess on Friday...
...with the American Queen on Saturday for a full day of passengers touring our city. Three riverboats staying three full days are great tourism for our hometown. Vicksburg: The Key To The South!
Friday, March 22, 2019
Riverboat "American Duchess" In Town Today!
A beautiful day for the riverboat "American Duchess" with her passengers to tour our historic civil war town of Vicksburg, MS. This picture was taken from Catfish Row at Children's Art Park.
I made my way over behind the flood wall to get a close-up picture of American Duchess.
An up-close picture of the American Duchess today with her smokestacks down!
The flood water is receding but benches are still submerged.
A pulled-out view of the American Duchess.
View from the riverboat of the Jesse Brent Lower Mississippi Museum with M/V Mississippi IV landlocked at the museum. Workers were busy laying wooden ties because the flooding has blocked off north/south rail traffic.
Barriers are up and will be continued over to the floodwall if the Yazoo Diversion Canal rises which is predicted with the melting of snow from up north. The train tracks will have to be removed to continue the barrier. Hopefully, they will sandbag around The Old Depot Museum from flooding which went underwater in 2011 flood.
Looking down from the Jesse Brent Lower Mississippi Museum at the American Duchess. I love the blue umbrellas on top.
Took this picture from Washington Street looking at The Old Depot Museum with the Levee Street Marketplace to the lower right.
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Riverboat "America" In Town Today
The floodwaters are receding but will soon be going back up with all the ice and snow melting up north coming down. It's not over yet!
River Levels: 50.66 as of 1:00 this afternoon and Food Stage is 43 feet.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
My Full "Worm Moon" Picture Tonight

The full worm moon wasn't set to occur until Wednesday night, the same day as the spring equinox, in a rare overlapping of events. The full moon for March is called the full worm moon because earthworms start coming from the ground as the weather warms and snow melts, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Monday, March 18, 2019
Major Flooding North of Town
Flooding from the Mississipi River and the Yazoo backwater areas has displaced people in Vicksburg and Warren County. Above is a picture of a herd of deer as seen near Eagle Lake...
... while a bald eagle takes to flight.
Alligators are seen along the banks.
Hwy 465 to Eagle Lake is underwater.
A pier on Eagle Lake is seen underwater. It's one of several structures being impacted by the rising flood waters that have forced residents to seek higher ground.
Photos: Courtland Wells * The Vicksburg Post
Friday, March 15, 2019
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Norfolk Southern Train Heading West Yesterday
A Norfolk Southern (NS) train passes over the Mississippi River bridge heading west while I was waiting for the American Queen which is the largest river steamboat ever built. She is such an awesome ship to see and her passengers are so lucky to get to explore the Mighty Mississippi River on the Queen. Here are a few pictures I took of the NS train crossing over the old Hwy 80 bridge at the Army-Navy Circle.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
American Queen @ Bridges Southbound This Afternoon
The Grand American Queen heading to the bridges at my hometown of Vicksburg, MS after her passengers toured our historic civil war town during the day. She is passing the Ameristar Casino on the far right.
Looking towards the Mississippi Welcome Center as the American Queen is almost out-of-site heading to Natchez, MS and onto New Orleans, LA. She will be back on March 22, 2019, with Riverboat, American Duchess for a full day of touring of their passengers.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
A Turkey Head-Shot With A Crossbow
With turkey season right around the corner, I wanted to share this remarkable head-shot with a crossbow by 11-year-old, Aiden Swisher. It was a double bearded turkey. My congratulations to Aidan and to his Dad for getting him in our great wild and wonderful outdoors! Way to go, Aiden!
Monday, March 11, 2019
Riverboats & Flooding In My Hometown of Vicksburg
I went down to the waterfront this past Saturday morning to see riverboats, Queen Of The Mississippi and the Grand Amerian Queen that were moored in the Yazoo Diversion Canal. The passengers enjoyed a full day of touring our historic civil war town of Vicksburg, MS. Here are a few pictures I took of passengers making the best of a situation crossing the railroad tracks and/or walking over a ramp.
Looking down from Washington Street at the riverboats.
Walking down to the waterfront.
This picture was taken from Mulberry Street showing off the Vicksburg Riverfront Murals on the floodwall.
Taken from behind The Old Depot Museum.
A ramp was placed for the passengers to walked over the railroad tracks.
Four benches going under water.
The Grand American Queen moored in the Yazoo Diversion Canal.
Retaining walls to hold back the water.
The opposite side of the retaining wall.
A picture I took of The Old Court House Museum that stood during the Siege of Vicksburg in 1863.
We have major flooding in our town with the MS River at 51.21 feet yesterday with a flood stage of 43 feet. It is predicted to crest later today with the possibility of more flooding coming later this month or next from the ice/snow from the North.
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