(Reuters) - This tower is no fixed asset. It rotates, and we're not just talking about the top floor, but all 80 floors. So residents and office workers can get a 360 degree view. This is an animation of a skyscraper that'll be built in Dubai and Moscow. Architect David Fisher unveiled the plans in New York. He says the building will produce its own electricity. Wind turbines are fitted into each floor. "I said, why don't we use the wind, why don't we use nature for our benefit instead of fighting nature, let's use the wind. The building's completely powered by wind, so it couldn't be more green than this," said Fisher. What's more, the building uses prefabricated parts made in Italy. So each floor, he says, can be built in seven days, saving costs. But residents will pay for their view: apartments in Dubai will be a pricey $3,000 a square foot. The first building is scheduled to open in Dubai in two years. Fisher says he hopes to build on in the skyscraper capital, New York. If he succeeds, it'll give the city that never sleeps a building that never rests. Charming, Just Charming!