A Dixie Lady Deer Hunter

Monday, August 26, 2013

Tal's Plains Game/Bird Mounts - Part 2

Tree Duck and Yellow Bill Duck

African Black Duck

African Plains Game and more...

African Plains Game and more...

African Plains Game

Argentina Tree Duck White Face

Rosy Billed Poach adds Hen and Drake

A buck killed by my grandfather in 1909 in Arkansas.  He lived in Lucy, Tennessee which is just north of Memphis and was 18 when he and three men took a team of mules with a wagon to Memphis.  They stopped in at York Arms, a sporting goods store, bought their shells and crossed the Mississippi on a ferry to a spot unknown in Arkansas.  He was shooting a Winchester Model 97 pump shotgun which holds 6-2.75 inch shells.  These were loaded with 00 buckshot with nine pellets per shell.  He emptied the gun meaning 54 pellets because the deer did not fall over instantly.  Upon cleaning the deer they found three holes (exactly how the shot is stacked in the shell) through the heart.  Notice the broken end of the left antler which was hit by a pellet.  He vividly remembered the trip especially all the game and hearing panthers scream at night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You shot the birds and didn't eat them, you stuffed them? Ducks are highly intelligent and emotional animals. Why take a photo of an animal just because you took it's life? An animal is much more appreciated roaming the wild, than hanging on your wall. Just my opinion.

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