Bob and I went to the
deer camp yesterday and rode around checking out the sites around the camp. This is our first year to hunt and just now getting around checking out the layout of the land. One of the hunters did take us around one area after we had joined. A lot of steep hills and deep hollows. When we got to the camp five other hunters were riding around and it's their first year at the camp also. They had signed in at 11:00 but we did not get there till almost 1:30. Spent the rest of the afternoon riding around and sitting on my deer stand with my .22 rifle squi
rrel hunting. We saw two squirrels going in while riding around but did not get a shot off. Heard one squirrel bark and was hoping the big 8 pt. buck would show up, but nothing came out. Bob sat in his stand also and was going to take pix if a deer walked out. Three hunters came in to bow hunt while we were on our stands. Bob also got to practice with his bow some. He has not made up his mind if he wants to bow hunt or not. We have about four more weeks to go. Rife season will pick up on November 22, 2008.

Bob going down towards the gravel pit area. Once upon a time this was a bustling business until the land was sold as a deer camp.

....and look what we found, a deer feeder.
....and a trail camera
Bob coming up out of the gravel pit area.
An old deer stand....if only it could talk!
Sadie gives our squirrels a run up the nearest tree. It has seemed to make quite a difference how many are actually making forays into the yard.
Your day at the deer camp sounds great!
Have been hearing the deer running in the timber late in the afternoon and after dark.
The "Pre-season" of deer season is almost as enjoyable as the season. We do the very same thing...ride around on our "buggies", replenishing feeding stations, sitting in our shacks watching to see what comes by and just enjoying the day. Sounds like a perfect day?
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