When we got to the camp around 2:30, two hunters were already there and had hunted and did not see deer off of their stands. They said that a 10-point buck was still in the top field and one of the hunters girlfriend, last week, shot at it and wounded it off of my stand on the road. It did not take long for me to change my mind and hunt my stand to see if I could harvest the 10 pt. (It's the same one Carl shot at that I posted here on December 21, that he missed). At about 3:55 Kathy said she had 3 does to come out and watched them feed and put the scope on the biggest doe and shot. (The day before I had seen a doe and scraggly 4 pt. buck off this stand). They came out in the same area. This was a very long shot even for an experienced hunter. She waited about 20 minutes and got down to check and found no blood. She got back in her stand and went over in her mind the shot she had made. She got back down and checked again and decided she had overshot her deer. When I came off of my stand, she was at the camp and told me what had happened. The other two hunters had to leave so we waited for Andy (hunter who came in late) to come out of the woods. He went with us to re-check everything. She said after she shot the doe, another doe stepped out and then took off. So she saw 4 does altogether. To say the least, she was very disappointed about her shot. Next week on her day off we will try again. Everytime you hunt you learn from your experiences, but the time spent together is so priceless! This is a sweetthing!
PS: Also, missed not having my GunTriever with me.
What a bummer that she missed. The good thing is is that all of have at one point or another. Eventually it will all come together.
You are right....I have been there and done that! Thanks for visiting!
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